Carnegie Hall is less that 3 weeks away and I'm getting very excited. Yes, for those of you who haven't heard (I doubt that's anyone - I feel like I've told the world) I'm getting the opportunity to sing with the Richmond Chorus at CARNEGIE HALL on March 13th!!!
For those of you Vancouverites who want to hear what we're singing (some amazingly complex stuff), we will be performing the pieces here in Richmond at the end of March. If you're interested, please contact me and I'll get you info about tickets.
Oh yeah... And for those of you salivating for wedding photos, we FINALLY got the negatives from the photographer this week. We're hoping to get them digitized so that we can post some of them up on a site sometime soon. In any event, if you're really wanting to see them, come on over to the house. We got'em and would love for you to see them.
Carnegie Hall, here I come! Watch out New York!!!