We arrived on Friday night to the hotel (Mid-Town) around 9.30 or so. We called my cousin Anne-Marie (Greenwich Village) to see if she and her boyfriend Brent wanted to come meet us for drinks (we were gonna eat cuz we were starving). We met them at Grand Central Station. Yes, you can actually find people in there (with the help of a cell of course). We ate at Annie Moore's pub (nice English pub named after the first immigrant to pass through Ellis Island).
Saturday morning... We had rehearsal starting at 1pm. We went to rehearsal after meeting my two Moms (Mom and Mom-in-Law of course) for breakfast. Rehearsal lasted a horrifying 4 hours. It was physically painful (the chairs were not singing choral chairs). While we were rehearsing, the others did a bus tour of the city. Basically saw all the big things in 4 hours.
Sunday morning was UGLY. Still not on NYC time... We had rehearsal set for 9am!!! That's 6am Pacific Time. I'm not the morning singer I used to be (back in the day - go Jugglers). This was the last rehearsal before being in the hall. I actually rehearsed the soloist part for fun. (about 10 of us did - nothing to come out of it but it was fun to try).
Monday was the big day. Dress rehearsal at 2pm and then dinner with family and friends until they had to go to the concert. We had to wait because our call time wasn't until after the concert started (we were the last act). So, Robin and I sat in the restaurant and sipped Drambuie to loosen our throats. Worked wonderfully.
I can't expressed in words what it felt like to be standing up on that stage where so many elite musicians have stood. Seeing manuscripts from Mozart and Chopin on the walls in the hallway, swearing that you could hear cheering of your predecessors to help you through it. The experience is just not something I can put in words.
I would like to thank my family and friends who were able to experience this with me. Amy (cuz you got me into this mess - hee hee), Robin (cuz I brought YOU into this mess - har har) & Lindsay (crazy NYC shop-girl who can even get a non-shopper like me to actually buy a pair of shoes in New York - UNBELIEVABLE), Anne-Marie & Brent, John, Mom & Bev. It was just so special having you all there.
If you are interested in hearing what we performed, don't forget that we're performing it again (just our group this time - not the 150 voices) on March 26th in the afternoon.
So looking forward to getting the washer and dryer hooked up tomorrow. But that's a whole other story. Goodnight all! Happy St. Patrick's Day.