Jun 27, 2006
So much for daily journal entries
And what a week it was! Robin and Lindsay got married and I was honoured to be one of Lindsay's bridesmaids. Needless to say, the last few days before a wedding are really busy.
Oh yeah, did I mention we're adopting a cat. Well, we're going to do a "trial run" actually. We're going to be acquiring Rich's Aunt's cat named Packers (cuz her eyes are green -> Green Bay PACKERS). I last saw her at Christmas and she just was a bundle of affection. We'll see if that continues after the initial shock wears off. :) We sure hope so. Cathy is bringing Packers over on Sunday.
BTW, if you've heard of the Compline service at Christ Church Cathedral in downtown (Georgia/Burrard), I will be standing in with the Richmond Chorus and St. Mary's choir both this coming Sunday and next (July 2/9). The regular choir is on tour in Mexico. For more info, please see the link above or contact me.
Jun 16, 2006
OK OK - Pictures! European Trip - Monaco
Our first stop (upon leaving Barcelona) was on the French Riveria. We were in Villefranche. This first picture is of Villefranche from the train platform as we waited to board.

Here is the harbour with the most amazing and expensive boats.
I know this picture looks strange but what you need to know is that the scaffolding to the left is the start/finish line of the Grand Prix and they were still setting it up. Rich is a race fan but he's more of a NASCAR fan but it still seemed appropriate. Plus his brother Steve and his Mom are Formula 1 fans.
As you can see there are two races that get run. First is the classic race the week before. Below are the dates of the races. This is a bumper beside the road. Thought it was a funny reminder.
Here is the grandstand right in the middle of the main round about in front of the Grand Hotel and Grand Casino. I wonder what the place would look like without the race stuff.
And here is the big "Grand Casino" that costs 20$USD to get into and that you have to have a certain dress code to be allowed in. The cars out front were insane. We saw two Lambourghinis (one was ORANGE). Pourches, Ferraris, Mercedes, Alfas, and Beamers OH MY!
We didn't go into the big casino but we did go into the one next door.
Well, gotta run. Obviously there are stories about the pictures above but I just can't do the stories justice up here. Would much prefer to talk about it in person.
Perhaps I'll post part of Rome next. Have a great weekend all!
Jun 14, 2006
Migraine Ran Over Me Today
Although I was fighting it, I was REALLY productive. I submitted 10 reports today. In an industry where it's normal to get 1 report every 2 days, this is great productivity. Guess I was hiding out.
I have to still submit my project idea to my former employer. Like I said before, I wouldn't be working for the same group. Also, I would be doing more of the stuff like I am now. Report Design.
Lindsay and I are going for facials on Saturday. Her wedding to Robin is next Friday night at Brock House. We're so excited for them. I haven't tried on my bridesmaid's dress yet. I'm sure I will before the week is out.
Sunday is going to be a busy day. We're doing Father's Day for my brother Mark and my Mom's birthday together for lunch here at the house and then we're heading out to Surrey to celebrate Father's Day with Rich's parents.
Jun 13, 2006
Tuesday = Tired
For someone who has been working at the same company for her entire adult life, it meant going back in my mind really far to what I "could" have done if I hadn't gone into the software industry.
Can you believe that the career testing says my skills and interests are in order Scientific, Musical, and Artistic. Yeah. Like I'm going to get a job in the Musical or Artistic field.
I had to make a collage of what my dream job would be today using cut-outs from magazines. Interesting experience. I'm not finished yet but if you're ever over here, you might find it interesting and insightful. :) I certainly did. I didn't realize what was really important to me until I did this exercise.
Jun 12, 2006
Do I Have What It Takes to Be a Champion???
He even said if I chose to go, he'd help me prepare. I would be the one and only representative for Canada. It sounds so daunting. Technically, I'd be competing against him but I'm not looking to win or place, just show as they say in racing.
I'll explain more about the championships in future posts I promise.
I'm in the midst of reading his book and trying to get my mental exercises going. First step he suggests is journalizing every day. So, here is Day 1. :)
Today, I attended my first Career Management course that I was given as part of my package upon leaving my former employer. I received some rather interesting information about some potential job areas based on my skills, interests and styles.
Apparently, I'm in the 99th percentile for Scientific work including diagnostics, lab work, medical and pharmacology. Yes, this does include "engineering (technical especially)". I promised myself I would look outside the engineering environment. Already have enough of those in the house that is at the top already.
I go back tomorrow to do something called a career map. For those of you that have heard of the Myers-Briggs test, my counsellor says I'm an ENTP (Extrovert, iNtuitive, Thinker, Perceiver). An inventor/innovator. Great for self-employment. Good thig cuz that's what I'm doing right now.
Speaking of which, I'm ALMOST done my big contract. I'm counting the days. 12 business days to be exact. Then I go into true consulting/contractor mode.
I'm looking at a very part-time (10 hrs max) external contract role with my former employer. Now don't get upset or anything. It's not with that old group. In fact, this is with a group that truly appreciates what I have always brought to the table.
During my initial meeting last Friday, was brought up that they can't believe that they let a talent like me go. :) Now it's coming around to help out. They now need someone on the outside that looks like a true champion/expert to help in their forums. Basically, I will get PAID TO BLOG!!! But not this kind of rambling about whatever. It will be tips and tricks of my trade as well as caveats (what to avoid) and samples of things that I've learned over the years.
I'm quite excited about the possibility of this. It's not 100% yet. I have to submit a proposal this week but it's very promising. All of the comments I'm getting from my contact are very positive.
Well, I have to sign off now as I am off to pick up my husband from a night out with the guys.