Things are running quite quickly these days. Rich is heading to India for a week this Friday.
I've got 3 concerts called "With a Song in My Heart". 3 locations, 3 different times (including one Sunday afternoon).
We're calling it a "Singing Valentine's Card". There will be fun songs, comedies, madrigals and beautiful love songs.
It will be HIGHLY entertaining. Check out the poster for the Vancouver and Richmond concerts.
- Feb 10 - 8pm Gilmore Park United in Richmond
- Feb 11 - 3pm St. Mary's Anglican in Vancouver
- Feb 13 - 7.30pm All Saints in Ladner
If you are interested in coming to one of the concerts, you must know that the tickets are selling out QUICKLY. Please contact ROCA directly at or look for more information on
In fact, the Richmond concert is almost filled up already. For Vancouver, it's a small church but has wonderful character and I think there might be more tickets still available. St. Mary's Anglican (Kerrisdale) is the location (37th and Vine or vacinity).
Seriously though, to make sure you get to see and hear our concert, please contact ROCA right away.
Oh, BTW, I apologize for being so slow to update this site. Like I said, life has been a bit of rush as well as cold season. Getting over it. Think things will calm down after the concerts.
And another thing, Princess Packers the Wonder Cat purrs to say "Hello".