Dec 21, 2008

Our Little Snow Angel-A

Even though these pics were during the first snow, I thought it would be good to post since we're stuck at home "childless". Thanks to Gran and Grandpa Webster. Big sleepover this weekend.

While we had some fresh powder the other day, Rich and I took Lil'A outside for her first glimpse of snow.

Snow Angels came to mind. Not going to write anything else. Just enjoy the pics.

Yes, this is what Angela actually created. :) Have some fun in the snow to all.

Dec 11, 2008

I know it's been a while...

I'm so sorry I haven't blogged in a while. Things have been just running at lightning speed. I have lots to tell you all but I'm just overwhelmed.

Some things good/bad/indifferent:
- Lil'A ended up with a serious Gastro-Intestinal infection. It was the worst week for our little one. Yogurt actually ended the discomfort. GO Natural remedies (suggested by my Mom and confirmed by the doctor).

- A HUGE work-bee at our house. 8 people came over (family and friends) and helped de-clutter the house. As a result, we "reclaimed" the dining room, the den/office, the guest bedroom and finished off Angela's room. Also we re-arranged the family and reclaimed the breakfast table. THANK YOU TO ALL WHO HELPED. YOUR TIME AND SUPPORT IS JUST A COMPLETE "HUG" TO US. WE WISH TO HUG YOU BACK HOWEVER WE CAN.

- I didn't get to the next level of the W Network Experts Search. Thanks for all the ratings and comments on my behalf. You did awesome. Unfortunately there were something like over 500 entries. They narrowed to 20 in that first cut. It was a long shot but I appreciate all of your votes. Every single one.

- Trying to lose weight using the Wii Fit. (It's very gradual but the weight is coming off - really gradual).

- Dealing with a teething lil'A (up at nights back like the first 6 weeks)

- I am proud to say that I sent out 30 Christmas cards all on one day. I think this is the first time I've EVER done that. I've done family before but nothing on this scale. My writing hand is cursing me. :) Hope your card arrives soon. (if you didn't get one, it's probably because I don't have your snail mail addy - email it to me).

- Rich threw his back out. It got so bad, he had to work from home for 2 days. Those of you that know Rich, know that it takes a LOT to get him to ask for help (chiro) or to take days off. We compromised to working from home. Poor guy. Walked around the house with his right hand on his back right hip. Reminded me of an "old-man" pose. :) He's on the mend I think.

- I'm singing a HUGE solo in our Christmas concert this Saturday (7.30 at gilmore park united church in Richmond). I am privileged to sing a solo over the choir for a carol written by a local composer. I've never had a solo of this caliber of choir before. I'm very honoured and also very nervous. :) I've been rehearsing for days.

I do hope to put up pics of Lil'A soon. It's just so rush-rush these days. I hope that after this weekend, things will slow somewhat. But then again, it IS the holidays...

Nov 11, 2008

Halloween Fun

Lil'A's first Halloween. She's a little too young to go trick-or-treating so we dressed up and waited for the kids by the door.

Lil'A got dressed up as a bumblebee. Check out her antennae sticking up. :)

This pic I snapped just as she was about to stick her hand in her mouth. She looks so "thoughtful". Needless to say the flash stopped her in mid-tracks. No hand in mouth for at least 30 seconds.

The other gal of the house was not so enthusiastic about Halloween. Oh, and then there was the cat. :) This is actually a bib that Gran gave to Lil'A but it just looked so cute on Packers. She didn't seem to think so.

Now for our pumpkins. Since Lil'A can't use knives or saws for, let's say, another 16 years, we found this Mrs. Potato/Pumpkin head. We laughed so hard when it was done.

The there is Jack...

Save the best for last. Rich had a great time with all the pumpkins but this one is his for sure. It's the revenge of the headless horseman.

Nov 4, 2008

Thank You ALL for Your Support

Thank you all for helping me out by voting for me on the W Network Search for the Next Expert.

Today is the day after when the Top 20 was to be informed by phone. I had to wait around for 4 days to find out. Now I know. :)

I wasn't getting my hopes up since there were 64 entries in my category and there were 6 categories. A lot of entries. If I don't put my hopes in, no disappointments after. So it is. I am relieved in some way. :)

I was just happy to have tried to try to get myself out of my shell I've been in lately and it was a great experience.

If you are ever wanted to do something but keep putting it off, bruff off that ambition and do it. It is worth with it.

Again, thank you so much for all your support electronically and in person etc... Luv you all!

Oct 26, 2008

This is the "Email" I Had to Send to My Choir Director at Church this Morning

Subject: You are NOT going to believe this.  (SO Sorry BTW)


Here I am writing this letter at 8.07 or at least that's the time that my alarm clock told me.  As I finish my shower, I put my watch back on and it says 9.00.  It's an analog watch.  Hard to mess with right?  Running out of the bathroom toothbrush in mouth foaming at the mouth, I ask Rich what time it is.  He looks at the alarm clock, 8.00.  Then I look at his cell phone 9.00.  Call my Mom right away, still foaming at the mouth, 9.00.  What the Heck?

Then we figured it out.  Rich's grandparents got us one of the new alarm/CD/radio clocks for us for our wedding present 3 years ago.  It was one of the newest ones that were supposed to use the "new and improved, longer Daylight Savings Time" thanks to George Dub'ya.  Too bad it didn't ACTUALLY do it.  The old way, it was always the weekend before Hallowe'en.  So it was "smart" enough to do that one instead.  But thanks still go to Rich's Grandparents for the lovely gift.  :)

Anyway, right now, you are already right in the 2/3s mark of rehearsal and about to go into the loft.  No way I can make it there by mass time.  Maybe by the time you're all walking DOWN the stairs say goodbye to each other.

My sincerest apologies to you and the choir.  I'm guessing on the real day it's supposed to happen, it will go BACKWARDS and I'll be sitting outside the hall waiting for an extra hour for you.  As penance of course.


Oct 14, 2008

I NEED Your Ratings and Comments. PLEASE - Yes, I'm begging. :)

Now that you’ve voted in the federal election, I’d LOVE to get your vote. I’m trying out for the “W Network’s Search for a New Expert”. I think I’ve come up with a new and unique take on your typical weight-loss show.

BUT, to get to the next round (the Top 20), I have to get high ratings (out of 5 stars) and positive comments submitted by the viewers.

So, what I need from you:
- Watch the video at The W Expert Search
- Rate the video (the stars are just under the video screen itself)
- Comment on the video (good idea, bad idea, unique way of looking at this, blah blah blah)
- Submit your rating and comments (with your name of course).

You have until October 26 to rate the videos. Then it goes to a panel of judges to pick the Top 20. But please don’t wait. Earlier the better.

Think of this as “Idol” meets “Survivor” meets “Dancing with the Stars”. This is the Idol part (vote for me). Survivor starts with the top 20 doing challenges (hope there’s no eating strange stuff involved). The top 6 actually have to produce a show using W’s guidelines (sounds like dance instructions to me).

Thanks to you all in advance for ALL your help!

If you have any questions, contact me at

P.S.: Please send this along to ANYONE you know with a computer. Spouses, friends, family, or even peeps from the streets. :) Again, THANK YOU

Oct 5, 2008

I Think I'm Coming out of My Shell a Little

Would you believe I video recorded myself and put the video on the net?

Yup, after much hemming and hawing I did it yesterday while hubby and Lil'A were visiting at Gran and Grandpa's house.

I'm not really saying what it's about just yet cuz, I don't know if it will actually show up (moderating the vids is part of the deal) but if it does, I'm going to need all of your help and your friends to get me to the next level.

Now if that doesn't keep you guessing, nothing will. AHAHAHAHA :)

Wish me luck with the moderators. So far, no info.


BTW, I will be posting Lil A's baptism at some point. We're still getting pics in. Waiting for the pics from my Aunt and Uncle's camera. Our friend Simon took the camera and just got himself right in there for all the right pics so I hear. And some video too. Don't worry, I haven't forgotten.

Sep 29, 2008

Quick Link to Pics from Angela's Baptism

My Bro-in-Law Steve is an amazing photographer. He's already got a page up of photos from the baptism that tookk place yesterday.

If you want to get a quick look, check out:

Thanks Steve for being so on the ball. We're still dealing with aftermath here in Steveston.

Sep 24, 2008

Little A's Baptism is on Sunday

I'm trying to cover all my bases that I can in this short amount of time... Apologies if I missed anyone. It's been so chaotic.

This is my last way of communication for this. This coming Sunday, Angela's baptism will take place at 2pm at Holy Rosary Cathedral in downtown Vancouver (Dunsmuir/Richards).

If you haven't already RSVP'ed to me via facebook or email, please do so ASAP as the caterer needs numbers for the party afterwards. The party will be at the Oswald house.

If you need more info, please contact me in one of the normal fashions.

Sep 18, 2008

Little A Turns 1/2

Sept 15 was Little A's half-birthday. She's a half-year old.

Here are some pics of her dancing on her b'day in our family room.

Sep 11, 2008

Another First for Little A that I was Hoping We Would See WAY Later

I'm going to keep this short and sweet since I'm packing for a weekend away in Osoyoos at the moment.

Angela took a tumble off the ottoman in the family onto the floor on Tuesday morning. She seemed fine screaming nice and loud at the scare. I wanted to be sure that her head was ok so I called the NurseLine and they thought it best to get the Ambulance to come and take her to get an x-ray at the hospital.

So, car-seat put in the ambulance and off she went. At the hospital, she turned on the charm and everyone loved her. No x-ray was needed. Moved the car-seat while the nurses fought over who got to feed her.

Back home safe. She's still just as fun as ever.

Definitely didn't want this first so soon but better to be safe than sorry.

It was harder on me than her I'm positive. She saw it as an adventure.

Sep 8, 2008

Another First for Little A

Well a couple really.

First thing is she went to church. All dressed up in her Sunday Best. The choir ladies went ga-ga over the goo-goo's if you know what I mean.

Little A was a perfect church goer. No crying even though there were plenty other kids trying hard to be heard over the priest (no crying room at the cathedral).

She listened with complete attention to our singing, until she fell asleep.


The other first for yesterday happened while we brunched with her two G-Mas. It appears, she has cut her first tooth. I can see some white on the bottom in the front. WOW. No big cry-fest or anything.

Today is a different story. I lost her one Gerber soother. She doesn't seem to want to take the Avent couple we have. Hm... Perhaps this is an opportunity to wean her off them.

P.S. Yes, I finally found one of the soothers. But she doesn't know that yet. ;)

Sep 4, 2008

Don't Sweat the Small Stuff - Celebrate it Instead

Little A is still living in the family room these days. This is due to her room has been the hobby room. Actually not that many hobbies, more other stuff. OK some junk too. :) The room has dark charcoal blue walls and we decided not to repaint.

Instead, we went to Michael's and found these really neat appliques called "Hip in a Hurry". We decided to try this stuff for a wall.

The wall is pictured above. I think it looks pretty cute. We have LOTS more dragonflies and ladybugs to put up all of the room.

We also decided to do the same sort of thing to the "race-car" bathroom. Obviously our little girl would rather have something other than the racing theme. We found these appliques at Canadian Tire.

Now the bathroom is "Finding Nemo".

The above is the bath/shower area.

Bloat (yes that's his name) is on the wall between the towels and the toilet. Just too cute on this colour of wall.

Marlin and Nemo are together on the mirror.

Dory is on the other side of the mirror. Looks like she's really swimming.
On the door from the outside, is a little sticker that alerts other that a bath is in progress. Too cute.

WAHOO! A few tasks done.

Aug 31, 2008

Baby in Bikini - What a Show-Off

On our way back from Kimberley (the first time this summer), Gramma, Mommy, and Little A stopped at the Holiday Inn (on the Lake literally) in Osoyoos.

We were very fortunate to get a ground floor 2 bedroom suite and we had a blast.  Since we got in relatively early we decided to head to the hotel's own beach front.

Since Richard wasn't with us, we didn't go in the water cuz it would be special for Daddy to participate too.

Instead, we did a photo-shoot.

Mommy and Little A getting set on the bed in the hotel room.  Bikini, hat and all.
Mommy and Little A in a lounge chair on the beach front.  Angela was looking at a new friend, a little one year old boy who came up to say "hi".

Angela was excited to show Mommy something.

Close-up of her bikini bra.  Yes, she is wearing a bra!  hahaha.
And then Angela's favourite playtime event.  Supergirl.
Gramma got in the photo action too.

We really hope to get back there with Richard soon.  Angela had a great time.  (And yes, to Kimberley too).  Osoyoos has very special significance to Richard and I.  It always will.

Aug 27, 2008

Little A's Friends in Plush

I'm trying to be more active in updating my blog since I've been rather slow over the summer. So 3 in less than a week is a good start right?

I thought I'd introduce you to Little A's friends here at the house and what they like to do.

Ted is a rather fashion conscious bear. He was Little A's first toy that she was introduced to when she came home from the hospital. (Thanks to Jess and Simon for our treasure). We love the fact he has a belly button. ;)

He goes with her everywhere. We even try to take pics of him on the road. So far, at Keremeos and at the Spiral Tunnels.

Notice his fashionable man-purse. He is very functionally hold Little A's soother just in case she needs it. What a life-saver.

Theodora is a very special bigger teddy. Gran Webster made her for Angela. Here she is hanging out like she's on an air mattress but she's on the "control panel". That is what Daddy called the Ultra-Saucer. Theodora is not around Little A much just yet cuz she's teething. I think we'll wait until she's old enough to appreciate the extra special toy that Theodora is.

Meet Ty the big eye guy. Ty was a toy that I gave to Daddy back before Little A was a twinkle in our eye. I gave him Ty so that he always had a friend with him when he travelled. We both would take him whenever we travelled. Now he sits up on the top of rocking chair just like a real cat.

Delia is an antique doll that was given to Little A by a fellow chorister in my choir. Her great-aunt used to make them and sold them at the Hudson's Bay Company back in the 60's. She likes to pose on the runway as you can tell.

Ellie is the first friend that Little A received from Gran Webster. It was made from an antique pattern that she found from one of her older relatives.

Lionel is Little A's newest friend. He was given to her by her cuzzie Lauren. His mane is nice and crinkly. He is so soft. Little A takes her everywhere right now.

And then there is Peri. Another Gran Webster special. This was the first friend Little A grabbed for. Peri is sitting waiting for the next diaper change so they can play on the change table.
We called the baby "Rascal" before she was born. Gran and Grampa found Rascal while in Parksville. They just had to get her. :)

I hope these guys can become your friends too.

Little A's Firsts at the Webster Reunion

Yup. Our daughter hates water straight out of her bottle. She screams because it doesn't taste like formula. Oh well! (and I mean YAY) What to do?

Thank heaven for sippy cups! At Camp Arbuckle near Kelowna this weekend, our Little A sipped from her first sippy cup.

We were just chilling in the mess-hall and then decided to try yet another first for our little girl.

And on the same line... I gave her 2 oz of water today in her new kid sized cup and just let her have fun. She drank it all by herself in under 5 minutes. WOW! What a kid!

I think I may have missed one key first for our little one in yesterday's post. She sat in a swing for the very first time. She did really well and was really excited.

Grandpa and Gran were present and we were all having a great time. This was in the dusk right after dinner.

She was all smiles and excited and laughing.

That is until she puked. She just looked at meet and in mid-smile she just let'er rip. I was on the floor howling.

Stay tuned for the Elton John impersonation....

Aug 26, 2008

Summer is just about done. So is our Gypsy Lifestyle

WHEW! So much time, so little time at home!

Little A has been on the road 3.5 weeks of the last 7. WOW!

  • 2 trips to visit relatives in the Kootenays, and Calgary.
  • 1 week trip to Gramma's while Mommy and Daddy witnessed my cousin's nuptials in Mexico.
  • 1 weekend at Cultus Lake for BC Day camping.
  • 1 weekend at Camp Arbuckle near Kelowna at the annual Webster Reunion.

It was also a season of firsts for our little Angela. To name a few:

  • Overnights without Mommy and/or Daddy
  • Sleeping in a tent
  • First roll over by herself
  • First solid foods
  • First veggies - Peas (didn't like them all that much but we're working on it)
  • First sips from a sippy cup - Water (best for the drools)
  • Likes to stand on our laps with a tiny bit of help. She likes to shake her booty.
  • Jolly Jumping
  • First parade - Now by the end of the summer, she's been at 3 or more!
  • First birthday party attended. Happy 2nd Birthday Shayla!
  • And just today, the first time she got to sit like a big girl in a shopping cart! 1 hour of shopping got her so tired she crashed.
  • I'm positive there are others but I can't seem to remember them right now.

Little A and I have been away from the best man in our lives for quite a while this summer. Out of 6 weeks, Rich only got to see her every other week. Poor Daddy. Now is the time for family. Hopefully we're going to get to the PNE to start that tradition as well.

And CONGRATULATIONS to Dawn and Marc Ruus for the birth of their beautiful son Hayden Jackson. Angela is looking forward to this weekend when she gets to meet her little "cuzzie" (2nd cuzzie that is).

Jul 25, 2008

RichKat off to Mex - Little A off to Gramma's

4 days after our return from Kimberley, we're off on the road again. My cousin Anne-Marie is getting married in Mexico on Wednesday. Rich and I are heading down for the nuptials on Sunday.

Little Angela is still too young to even wear sunscreen so we asked Gramma if she would be willing to have her grand-daughter for the week. You all know the response of course. :)

Gramma and Angela are holding court at Gramma's house throughout the week. Weekend (next) will be spent at Cultus Lake along with Auntie Michelle and Uncle David. Cousin Samantha is helping out Gramma on both weekends. Thanks Samantha!

Since Rich didn't get to come to Kimberley, he's really looking forward to this week off. We'll be back just after BC Day. We're off to an all-inclusive near Cancun.

Mayan Riviera, here we come!

Jul 24, 2008

Back from Kimberley & Off to Mexico all in a week

PHEW! Talk about whirlwind! Wednesday, Angela and I (and Gramma too) returned from Kimberley where we had a great visit with Angela's Great-Nanny and Great-Aunts and Great-Uncle and a few cousins to boot.

It was a great visit. Angela turned on her charms and was a peach. We drove up over two days and same back. Stopping in Osoyoos both ways. Nice hotel there.

Now we're preparing for our trip to Mexico that starts on Sunday (6 am flight!). Angela is going to Gramma's house for the week. Cousin Samantha is spending time with them and Auntie Michelle and Uncle David are helping Gramma take Angela to the family cabin at Cultus Lake next weekend. A true sleep-over.

Rich and I return to our fair city next Sunday. No blogs while we're away as we're taking a true rest from all things techie. Big steps for us techno-dweebs.

PS: For those of you Mommies and Mommies-to-be on Facebook, I have now created the group as promised. Invitations have been sent out. If you want to be included, please let me know (email via facebook). One article is already posted. :)

Jul 10, 2008

Angela Dedicates Her Clothes to "Cousin Murky"

First let me explain Murky. Murky is Uncle Steve's pet turtle. They have had the turtle for a very long time. Like a member of the family. We've joked that Murky and Angela are cousins. :)

So, against popular belief, not ALL of Angela's clothes are pink. This little get-up is focused on green. Don't you just love the big "Murky" turtle on the onesie?

I wish I could record her sounds that go along with these images. She coo's and giggles and all the other fun sounds. He talks with her tongue hanging out even. ;)

BTW, facebook page should be coming in the next week or so. ;)

Happy Birthday Richard (July 11th). We're going to Spam-A-Lot to celebrate.

Jul 9, 2008

Brassingtons: The Next Generation

Well, it's official. The Brassington Cousins (my generation) is officially procreating at a faster rate than our parents. To be honest, I never thought we'd even match it let alone supercede it. WOW!

The frontiersmen in this arena are Jodi and Mark with Seb and MaKayla. They were the ones that forged ahead and paved the way for the rest of us.

Now, here is the story of a twelve month period between March 2008 and February 2009:

- March 2008 - Angela was born
- August 2008 - baby Ruus is expected to Dawn and Marc
- November 2008 - baby boy Smoot is expected to Leiana and Kevin
- Febrary 2009 - baby Lees is expected to Liz and Brad

SHEESH! And as Liz pointed out today... It could EASILY be 6 kids in 18 months... With the recent nuptials of my brother David to Michelle and to the upcoming wedding of Anne-Marie to Brent in Mexico.

If I remember correctly of how we cousins came to be, it was essentially 1 per year in the family with a few exceptions (and some gaps).

We've really outdone ourselves as Brassingtons eh? I was thinking, perhaps we need to create a group on facebook called "The Brassington Mommies" for all of us new moms (that includes you too Jodi ) and mommies-to-be.

I think hand-me-downs are going to start circulating again through the families. I'm already starting to pack up some of Angela's stuff. I've packed gender neutral separate from girl stuff. Sorry Leiana, you're outta luck due to location and in the fact that I'm guessing that your boy is not going to be wearing pink much. ;) unless it's the color of a team jersey or some such necessity.

Do you think we should start a facebook group mommies? Let me know. ;)

Well, here is to ALL the Brassington mommies out there. Including our own moms and our wonderful Gramma Betty Brassington who was our wonderful and loving and sweetheart of a matriarch to the Vancouver Brassington Clan.

(Thanks go to Liz as well for letting me know that yes, people do read this and enjoy it. She gave me the smile to write today).

Now, back to baby Angela. She just woke up and needs some food.

Jul 2, 2008

Angela's First Canada Day!

What a special day yesterday. Angela got to see her first every parade here in Steveston as part of the annual Steveston Salmon Festival.

We had a great spot under a tree to stay out of the sun.
Best part is that grandparents got to see A at her first parade too. Grandpa and Gran Webster and Gramma Hunt came out too. Gramma heald Angela for a mo' and put her hat on BACKWARDS!

We had a great day and a bbq to boot. Including maple cheesecake. Yummy.

Happy CANADA Day everyone!

May 29, 2008


We just had to take these shots last night. All I could think of for captions (for all of them) is the following:
"Dear God, it's me Angel.
uh.... oops....
I mean ANGELA!"