Theodora is a very special bigger teddy. Gran Webster made her for Angela. Here she is hanging out like she's on an air mattress but she's on the "control panel". That is what Daddy called the Ultra-Saucer. Theodora is not around Little A much just yet cuz she's teething. I think we'll wait until she's old enough to appreciate the extra special toy that Theodora is.
Meet Ty the big eye guy. Ty was a toy that I gave to Daddy back before Little A was a twinkle in our eye. I gave him Ty so that he always had a friend with him when he travelled. We both would take him whenever we travelled. Now he sits up on the top of rocking chair just like a real cat.
Delia is an antique doll that was given to Little A by a fellow chorister in my choir. Her great-aunt used to make them and sold them at the Hudson's Bay Company back in the 60's. She likes to pose on the runway as you can tell.
Ellie is the first friend that Little A received from Gran Webster. It was made from an antique pattern that she found from one of her older relatives.
Lionel is Little A's newest friend. He was given to her by her cuzzie Lauren. His mane is nice and crinkly. He is so soft. Little A takes her everywhere right now.
And then there is Peri. Another Gran Webster special. This was the first friend Little A grabbed for. Peri is sitting waiting for the next diaper change so they can play on the change table.
We called the baby "Rascal" before she was born. Gran and Grampa found Rascal while in Parksville. They just had to get her. :)
I hope these guys can become your friends too.
We were just chilling in the mess-hall and then decided to try yet another first for our little girl.
And on the same line... I gave her 2 oz of water today in her new kid sized cup and just let her have fun. She drank it all by herself in under 5 minutes. WOW! What a kid!
I think I may have missed one key first for our little one in yesterday's post. She sat in a swing for the very first time. She did really well and was really excited.
She was all smiles and excited and laughing.
That is until she puked. She just looked at meet and in mid-smile she just let'er rip. I was on the floor howling.
Stay tuned for the Elton John impersonation....
It was also a season of firsts for our little Angela. To name a few:
Little A and I have been away from the best man in our lives for quite a while this summer. Out of 6 weeks, Rich only got to see her every other week. Poor Daddy. Now is the time for family. Hopefully we're going to get to the PNE to start that tradition as well.
And CONGRATULATIONS to Dawn and Marc Ruus for the birth of their beautiful son Hayden Jackson. Angela is looking forward to this weekend when she gets to meet her little "cuzzie" (2nd cuzzie that is).