Subject: You are NOT going to believe this. (SO Sorry BTW)
Here I am writing this letter at 8.07 or at least that's the time that my alarm clock told me. As I finish my shower, I put my watch back on and it says 9.00. It's an analog watch. Hard to mess with right? Running out of the bathroom toothbrush in mouth foaming at the mouth, I ask Rich what time it is. He looks at the alarm clock, 8.00. Then I look at his cell phone 9.00. Call my Mom right away, still foaming at the mouth, 9.00. What the Heck?
Then we figured it out. Rich's grandparents got us one of the new alarm/CD/radio clocks for us for our wedding present 3 years ago. It was one of the newest ones that were supposed to use the "new and improved, longer Daylight Savings Time" thanks to George Dub'ya. Too bad it didn't ACTUALLY do it. The old way, it was always the weekend before Hallowe'en. So it was "smart" enough to do that one instead. But thanks still go to Rich's Grandparents for the lovely gift. :)
Anyway, right now, you are already right in the 2/3s mark of rehearsal and about to go into the loft. No way I can make it there by mass time. Maybe by the time you're all walking DOWN the stairs say goodbye to each other.
My sincerest apologies to you and the choir. I'm guessing on the real day it's supposed to happen, it will go BACKWARDS and I'll be sitting outside the hall waiting for an extra hour for you. As penance of course.