Oct 26, 2008

This is the "Email" I Had to Send to My Choir Director at Church this Morning

Subject: You are NOT going to believe this.  (SO Sorry BTW)


Here I am writing this letter at 8.07 or at least that's the time that my alarm clock told me.  As I finish my shower, I put my watch back on and it says 9.00.  It's an analog watch.  Hard to mess with right?  Running out of the bathroom toothbrush in mouth foaming at the mouth, I ask Rich what time it is.  He looks at the alarm clock, 8.00.  Then I look at his cell phone 9.00.  Call my Mom right away, still foaming at the mouth, 9.00.  What the Heck?

Then we figured it out.  Rich's grandparents got us one of the new alarm/CD/radio clocks for us for our wedding present 3 years ago.  It was one of the newest ones that were supposed to use the "new and improved, longer Daylight Savings Time" thanks to George Dub'ya.  Too bad it didn't ACTUALLY do it.  The old way, it was always the weekend before Hallowe'en.  So it was "smart" enough to do that one instead.  But thanks still go to Rich's Grandparents for the lovely gift.  :)

Anyway, right now, you are already right in the 2/3s mark of rehearsal and about to go into the loft.  No way I can make it there by mass time.  Maybe by the time you're all walking DOWN the stairs say goodbye to each other.

My sincerest apologies to you and the choir.  I'm guessing on the real day it's supposed to happen, it will go BACKWARDS and I'll be sitting outside the hall waiting for an extra hour for you.  As penance of course.


Oct 14, 2008

I NEED Your Ratings and Comments. PLEASE - Yes, I'm begging. :)

Now that you’ve voted in the federal election, I’d LOVE to get your vote. I’m trying out for the “W Network’s Search for a New Expert”. I think I’ve come up with a new and unique take on your typical weight-loss show.

BUT, to get to the next round (the Top 20), I have to get high ratings (out of 5 stars) and positive comments submitted by the viewers.

So, what I need from you:
- Watch the video at The W Expert Search
- Rate the video (the stars are just under the video screen itself)
- Comment on the video (good idea, bad idea, unique way of looking at this, blah blah blah)
- Submit your rating and comments (with your name of course).

You have until October 26 to rate the videos. Then it goes to a panel of judges to pick the Top 20. But please don’t wait. Earlier the better.

Think of this as “Idol” meets “Survivor” meets “Dancing with the Stars”. This is the Idol part (vote for me). Survivor starts with the top 20 doing challenges (hope there’s no eating strange stuff involved). The top 6 actually have to produce a show using W’s guidelines (sounds like dance instructions to me).

Thanks to you all in advance for ALL your help!

If you have any questions, contact me at klwebster@shaw.ca

P.S.: Please send this along to ANYONE you know with a computer. Spouses, friends, family, or even peeps from the streets. :) Again, THANK YOU

Oct 5, 2008

I Think I'm Coming out of My Shell a Little

Would you believe I video recorded myself and put the video on the net?

Yup, after much hemming and hawing I did it yesterday while hubby and Lil'A were visiting at Gran and Grandpa's house.

I'm not really saying what it's about just yet cuz, I don't know if it will actually show up (moderating the vids is part of the deal) but if it does, I'm going to need all of your help and your friends to get me to the next level.

Now if that doesn't keep you guessing, nothing will. AHAHAHAHA :)

Wish me luck with the moderators. So far, no info.


BTW, I will be posting Lil A's baptism at some point. We're still getting pics in. Waiting for the pics from my Aunt and Uncle's camera. Our friend Simon took the camera and just got himself right in there for all the right pics so I hear. And some video too. Don't worry, I haven't forgotten.