Went to the Eye Doctor (don't ask me to spell the real word. I tried but failed every time). I've only been to the eye doctor since last year.
Last year, I got a weak prescription for night driving. They matched my face that no one really noticed them until 2 - 3 months later. It was quite fascinating. Most especially when the person said,"Have you gotten NEW glasses?" Too funny!!!
Anyhow, I went back to get another check-up today and BANG!!! I was told that I am far-sighted with a sever astigmatism. It's funny, more high-tech people are near-sighted. Yet again, I am again the high-tech grain.
My glasses from last year were setup to help me with driving (especially at night). Well, now the eyes have turned almost completely 180 degrees. Yes they still help with the driving but the doc said that it will make a HUGE improvement in reading and social networking (heh).
The doc was shocked when he saw the original prescription from last year.
So anyway, after the doctor's appointment, it was time to get regular frames and sunglass frames since my prescription will affect my sunny sight.
I swear, I looked at the entire selection and that seemed to take hours. (Good thing since my eyes were dilated).
It's so funny. The frames that fit my face best were very "yeah baby you look FINE" type but they are understated at the same time. The only way you know they are "chic" is that they have bling on the side at the joint.
SO. Get this. My everyday frames are RED frames by GUCCI while my sunglasses frames are purple hue and are from COACH!
Now my goal for the rest of myself is to actually fit clothes that match these frames. It's a long-shot by the time I need to come back again for a check-up but it will be a great goal to strive for. If I don't make it, I guess I'll just have to make sure I get these frames for the next year.
Let's see what they look like next week. 8~)