Jun 1, 2005

Walking Through the Bay with a fully-loaded UPC Gun

Last sunday, Rich and I took about 2 hours to visit the Bay (www.thebay.com) and actually do the wedding registry thing. We had already gone in during a couple of lunch hours and tried to figure out what we needed and what we didn't.

For two people who have been living on their own for a while, we noticed that we didn't have very much on our list. For example, we don't really need pots and pans (I've got my favourite Lagostina set that my Mom found for me when I moved out), and neither of us are into the idea of China. Just a nice set of informal dinnerware is fine by us.

So, I was given a whole bunch of reading materials and a clipboard while Richard was handed a UPC gun. He had a TOY to play with. I saw a little twinkle in his eye every time he got to "zap" something into the system. (I was only able to "pry" it from his hands when it didn't seem to work. Then I got to try but only to find out that it wouldn't work for me either).

I didn't realize how tiring just zapping stuff (not buying but zapping) could be. I was exhausted for the rest of the afternoon. To be honest, I think I slept for 2 hours in the heat afterwards.

We're not nearly done on the gift registry yet. We really only focused on the Dinnerware and Bedding. (Although neither of us really think we need anything else I'm sure we'll find out we do).

As you can tell, the wedding plans are progressing. We should have our reception venue finalized very soon. Hopefully by end of week. We're just waiting on some director's ok at the venue. Keep your fingers crossed for us.

1 comment:

Rick said...

They have a UPC gun at Sears too. I LOVED the UPC gun.