The other week, we were at Great Auntie Carol's house to celebrate Great Uncle Lorne's birthday and she just wouldn't sleep when everyone (in the whole house) knew (very loudly) that she was tired.
We tried going into a quiet bedroom, we tried swaddling her, we tried everything. Nothing seemed to work. Of course many a parent around us then and for the following week talked about bringing a play-yard (or play-pen as I've known it) with us in the car.
Play-yards are great but she doesn't sleep well in them unless at Gran and Grampa's or at Gramma's. She plays in them otherwise. Too much to look at. She's one of those kids that hates to miss anything.
A while back, when we got the tent trailer, we went looking for some sort of play-yard/bed that could fit in our tent. A regular one just wouldn't.
So we found the Peapod Plus. It looks just like a mini tent. It's one of those "pop-up" tents. Mattress and all.

We're now using it as the nap-time bed in our house. I'm moving it around the house that she knows that when she's in there and the curtains are down, it's nap time no matter where she is set down. We even started out with it in her crib. It fit perfectly.
Put away it's no bigger than a large plate (ok maybe a platter) and about 1.5 inches high.
It seems to be working. Transporting this is a SNAP. Oh yeah, if anyone wants to use it, just let me know. It hold kids up to 6 years!!!
Now.... how do we get Packers to get allow with lil'A??? I know! Put them both in the Peapod and zip it up! YEAH! That's a GREAT idea! No... Wait.... back claws and air matresses..... shouldn't be a poblem but... guess i could take it out.
Oh the possibilities.
Photos soon I hope. Haven't downloaded recently. Maybe even a vid or two...
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