On July 2nd, lil'A got to fly in a plane for the first time. We travelled to Winnipeg and then went north to Gimli to join in the celebrations for Rich's best friend & best man at our wedding, James' parents' 40th Anniversary. OK. I know that is a long connection but here is the shorter one that works for those of you that know us.
James' parents' celebrated their 40th Anniversary. Gramma Brenda and Grampa Ed are lil'A's GP-3s. (grand-parents 3). Nuf said.
A lot of firsts happened that weekend.
Seeing the Provincial BIRD of Manitoba. The MOSQUITO!!!!

Look at the size of this one just outside our window. That's my thumb in the picture to show you its size. And that one hadn't been engorged yet!!!! Needless to say, lil'A and I were goners if we had gone outside for more than 2 secs. Rich had no problem because he was with us. Apparently lil'A and I are just more tasty to those biggies.
Lil'A took her first dunks in the resorts pool. She's been in the water quite a bit but never dunked under. She was a little scared at first but then was fine. In fact, so fine, she kept trying to drink the water instead of blowing bubbles like we were trying to teach her. Good thing she's going to swimming lessons starting in September.

We spent a great afternoon by lake Winnipeg in Gimli also known as New Iceland. It's a quaint little town. Lots of Icelandic names and traditions there. There is a viking statue that is 30 feet tall. But the thing I HAD to take a picture of was one of the signs. ALL and I mean ALL of the stop signs have "Hammer Time" spray painted on them. Made us laugh whomever did the prank.

At the big party, we all had a wonderful. We may not have known many people before the party but needless to say, lil'A was the topic of many a conversation. One of James' second cousins - Brooke - took lil'A under her wing and danced her all over the party. After these lessons, she was dancing with everyone. Including Daddy.

And, most especially for this special day, Uncle James.
I hope to put up some camping photos from last week as well today. I'm trying to catch up... slowly.
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