It was a great first day but lil'A was over-tired so it took quite a bit of work to get her to sleep in the Peapod inside the tent. We thought, this is great. She'll sleep for hours. RIGHT! Like duh! As if!
In the restaurant, lil'A was having the time of her life. Sharing Mummy and Daddy's food. She is a protein hog. If there is meat on the table, it's not there fore long. Mummy's bacon, Daddy's farmer's sausage.
With getting up so early and the sun and the swimming in the lake finally hit. For those of you that don't know the real details of lil'A may not know that she is most definitely NOT a cuddler. She is always wanting to see what's around. We were all dumb-struck when she just passed out via a quick cuddle on Rich's chest.
She was sleeping for well over an hour. Auntie June helped out with the sun by bringing over 2 umbrellas. Daddy got some ZZZ's too. These pictures were just too adorable. The camera was almost begging to be taken out of the bag.
Swimming was the order of the day earlier but as it got too hot, we had to get out. Sunscreen doesn't help on us really. SPF 60 means that I can stay in the sun for 1 minute before burning. I promise. As for lil'A, it's 30 secs.
At 5.30 AM, the screams start. We're in the middle of "Brassington Tent Town" with about 6 other tents. Couldn't get her back to sleep so off to walk her around the neighborhood. It was still too early when we got back from our stroll so we headed to the car to see if we could find a Smitty's restaurant. We fell in love with their breakfasts while in Osoyoos. Our GPS said one was in Abbotsford on Bakerview Street.
We get there and there is a Starbucks and Tim Horton's instead. We choose the Pantry next. Go down the road via the GPS directions and what do we find? No Pantry. But of course, a Tim Horton's and a Starbucks. UGH.
In between we came across a breakfast greasy spoon called CrossRoads. Before we when in, Rich noticed how clearly (or not clearly) we could see Mount Baker way in the distance. About 4 "layers" back. Thought this would make a great picture.

Instead of lake water, lil'A and cuzzy Owen had way more fun in just an inch of water in a mini backyard pool. She was cold, pruned, and blue lipped by the time we got her out but she was hot within minutes. Such a beautiful day.
Second night was great. No 5.30 AM alarm. 8 AM is more reasonable. Packed up and home by 2 PM. This was great since we all were coming down with something...
1 comment:
Hey Kathryn... Your photo of Baker looks like it could be a Margaff,so nice, It was such a blast having you and the family up at the lake for the weekend...hope there wil be many more weekends in the you, hope your family is on the mend
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