Dec 24, 2006
2.5 Hours until Christmas and I have NO VOICE!!!
I've definitely done my share of singing for December this year but I'm not close to done. Today was the last Sunday of Advent and then tomorrow is Christmas Day.
Although normally I'm a tenor in the women's choir at Holy Rosary (9.30am) for Christmas Day, there tends to be a lot of "Angellic" high voice (descant) parts. Usually 1 tenor, 1 alto and 1 soprano are taken to do this high part. Guess it's supposedly to keep it even for the other parts. Funny thing is, those of us chosen (the 3) happen to be some of the most confident (leaders, strong, blenders) voices in the choir of 15. We can sometime (in rehearsal) silence the rest of the choir so that the other sections can't here themselves. hehehe. Of course, we don't allow that to happen at Mass.
Anyway, I'm trying to get my voice back so I can actually sing the descants tomorrow. I'm coughing a lot but nothing seems to be getting better. I'll keep trying the herbal tea.
Tomorrow will be a little less active than in previous years for Rich and I. We go to mass in the morning, over to my mom's after mass (David & Michelle are in Halifax and Mark, Jodi, Sebastien and MaKayla are all in Kimberley wfor the Hunt Traditions) then on to my aunt's for brunch (the Brassington Tradition). Then over to Rich's Aunt's Mother's house (sheesh) for Christmas a la Webster family. We will miss the Buker portion this year though. :(
Well, Rich and I would like to take this moment on Christmas Eve Night to wish you all (family and friends) a safe and blessed Christmas with your loved ones.
Packers the Cat says "What about me? It's always about me. Right?" Well, yes Packers, normally I'd agree with you but this time, it's about a baby in a manager so long ago.
I wish you all a "Silent Night, Holy Night".
Dec 5, 2006
Our Christmas Present "MacSpeedy" Has Arrived

It is a very different system. It's going to take a while to figure out all of the nuances of the machine. Boy this monitor is HUGE! 24inches! The reallly neat thing is that the computer is all self-contained in the aforementioned 24inch monitor. There is no separate CPU box or anything. It's cool. All we had to do is plug in the power and it was ready to go. Wireless keyboard and wireless mouse (called the mighty mouse) and we could have used our wireless network but chose not to (ok so one more cord needed plugging in). This is a cool system.
Since we've named lots of stuff (like the Aloe Vera plant called "Spike" and our Banzai tree called "Zen") just for fun, we decided on MacSpeedy. It seems SO appropriate.
Happy Holidays Everyone!
Dec 4, 2006
OH MY - Both Christmas Concerts are now SOLD OUT
December's Here - Singing Is Here!
Over the weekend, I was asked about the Christmas Concert Dates for the Richmond Chorus. They are next Monday and Tuesday. The concerts are called "Hark the Herald Angels Sing".
- Monday December 11 @ 8pm at All Saints in Ladner - 4755 Arthur Drive (10$ tix)
- Tuesday December 12 @ 7.30pm at Richmond Alliance Church - 11371 No. 3 Rd (18$ tix for adults)
For more info, please contact me or check the website at
Also, if you're interested in a truly UNIQUE Christmas music CD, the chorus has just released its first CD. Let me know if you're interested in purchasing one for 29$. They will be available for purchase at the concerts as well.
I do hope to see many of you there. The concerts should be lots of fun and a lot more on the traditional carols side of things than last year. :)
Nov 28, 2006
Negative Temperatures But No Gas For Warmth
It started yesterday while I was doing my Christmas baking. The oven made this kind of low whistle sound. There appeared to be more of a whiff of gas smell even though the stove was lit so I made sure things were well ventilated. I was successful in getting my first batch of shortbread done thankfully.
Then later, we checked around dinner when I wanted to bake the second batch. I turned on the oven to 350F but it just stayed at 100F. We checked to see if we could get the stovetop to work and it would barely light. Definitely not much gas getting through. However, our gas fireplace in the family room's pilot light was going so well that you could hear it. Kinda scary. We turned off the pilot for the fireplace and then "bingo" the stove worked. We got the cookies made. Dinner was made on the BBQ and boy was it good. :)
This morning is like any other morning. The alarm goes off and then Rich gets up to have a shower. I fall back asleep. 20 minutes later (I guess) Rich comes back in the bedroom to tell me there is no hot water either. We get downstairs and the floors are not keeping their heat either. We have a general "LACK" of gas here at the house.
I admit, this is making me pretty anxious as I have to go to the Interior for Thursday and Friday for work and then we have a wee party in the works for Saturday. It won't be much fun if we can't serve anything hot or even heat the darn house! Can you imagine?!?! "Hi, welcome to our home. Please take this blanket and these slippers to wear to stay warm while you're here as we have no heat".
And just my luck (I can't speak for Rich's) but it's happening just as the temperatures dip to the negative double digits.
Well, Terasen has been called but since it's not truly an emergency (no smell of gas or anything), we're not high on the priority list.
Negative Temperatures But No Gas For Warmth
It started yesterday while I was doing my Christmas baking. The oven made this kind of low whistle sound. There appeared to be more of a whiff of gas smell even though the stove was lit so I made sure things were well ventilated. I was successful in getting my first batch of shortbread done thankfully.
Then later, we checked around dinner when I wanted to bake the second batch. I turned on the oven to 350F but it just stayed at 100F. We checked to see if we could get the stovetop to work and it would barely light. Definitely not much gas getting through. However, our gas fireplace in the family room's pilot light was going so well that you could hear it. Kinda scary. We turned off the pilot for the fireplace and then "bingo" the stove worked. We got the cookies made. Dinner was made on the BBQ and boy was it good. :)
This morning is like any other morning. The alarm goes off and then Rich gets up to have a shower. I fall back asleep. 20 minutes later (I guess) Rich comes back in the bedroom to tell me there is no hot water either. We get downstairs and the floors are not keeping their heat either. We have a general "LACK" of gas here at the house.
I admit, this is making me pretty anxious as I have to go to the Interior for Thursday and Friday for work and then we have a wee party in the works for Saturday. It won't be much fun if we can't serve anything hot or even heat the darn house! Can you imagine?!?! "Hi, welcome to our home. Please take this blanket and these slippers to wear to stay warm while you're here as we have no heat".
And just my luck (I can't speak for Rich's) but it's happening just as the temperatures dip to the negative double digits.
Well, Terasen has been called but since it's not truly an emergency (no smell of gas or anything), we're not high on the priority list.
Nov 26, 2006
Snow in Steveston
We had already planned on a BBQ for dinner so check out Rich in his adventures outside getting ready to cook.
We don't think that the bamboo in our back yard was meant to have snow on it. It's too bad that the snow won't kill it though. It's a very aggressive form of weed in our eyes but it looks exotic. :)
Sunday morning and this is what the view is south from the front of the house.
Check out the three kids in the green-way across from us. they built a small snow-blind that they are calling "Helm's Deep" from the Lord of the Rings. SO strange. We had just watched it again last night (that particular part actually).
Nov 24, 2006
Pumpkin Carving @ Casa del Webster
Before I left, Rich and I worked on two pumpkins.

After I left, Rich did one more. It may be hard to get (due to flash issues) but it's a haunted house (with bats flying around).
Nov 15, 2006
Richard & Packers And Their Blankets
I decided to make a TV blanket for Rich as one of my first projects. A TV blanket is a long and thin blanket that doesn't get all bulky on the sides. Kind of like a twin blanket.
When I got to the end of the blanket (it was FINALLY long enough for "tall dark-haired & handsome", I end up with a little yarn left over. Just enough to make a little blankie for Packers as well.
She actually keeps it on when we sit down at night to watch TV. It's extra funny when she gets up and runs off. The blanket keeps on her back thanks to her tail. We have to go searching for it every once in a while.
Yes. I'm moving into other shapes but it's a slow process. I've given away one baby blanket already.
On a completely separate note... Fa la la la la.... Richmond Chorus is doing the Christmas Concert thing again this year. We have two concerts for you to choose from.
- Monday December 11 @ 8pm at All Saints in Ladner - 4755 Arthur Drive (10$ tix)
- Tuesday December 12 @ 7.30pm at Richmond Alliance Church - 11371 No. 3 Rd (18$ tix for adults)
For more info, please contact me or check the website at
Also, if you're interested in a truly UNIQUE Christmas music CD, the chorus has just released its first CD. Let me know if you're interested in purchasing one. They should be available for purchase at the concerts as well.
Nov 4, 2006
User Conference Presentations - The San Francisco Treat
If you are reading this on Sunday and would like to go to the concert that I had to miss, it's at 3pm at Riverview. It will be a really good classical orchestra and choral concert. I'm really sorry to be missing it.
Oct 30, 2006
Planes, Trains & Automobiles! Well, Actually Planes, Limos & Trains
We missed our connection in Montreal due to snow. We knew before we took off in Vancouver we were going to miss the last flight out to Boston. We did make up time in the air only to find out when we landed that US Customs closed 10 minutes before we got there! ARGH!
Since we HAD no choice but to find alternative transportation (we had to be ready to work at 6.45 am the next day). It was decided to take a limo. An extra long stretch one. There were 6 of us.
We hit massive snow. We got stopped at the border. The rest stops were all closed. Even gas stations were closed. It's a six hour drive.
But now I can add two more states I've driven through. Saw nothing though so doesn't really count. (Vermont and New Hampshire are new to me - well so is MA).
We arrived at the hotel at 3.15 in the morning. By the time head hit the pillow it was 3.30. I spent a total of 3 hours in the room and spent 417$ US!!!!!! Yikes!!!!!! Good thing I'm being paid for this.
I've been suffering with a sore throat as of late and the plane ride took it over the edge. I had to do two presentations with absolutely no voice. I'm literally whispering into a wireless microphone. But everyone seemed to find it funny because I was introduced with hobbies like singing. It makde for a good ice-breaker.
Now, I'm literally on board a "limoliner". It's a bus with the amenities of a limo. Leather seats, plugs for laptops. Even 2 wireless satelite routers so I'm actually connected to the internet writing this as we blaze our way to New York City.
Tomorrow, we take a train to Washington DC. Halloween in the Capitol. That should be interesting. We're on Embassy Row apparently.
Well, I'm going to sign off and try to catch up on the half a dozen hours of missed sleep. And rest my voice.
Signing off from just outside Framingham MA. Under the half moon. Goodnight all.
Oct 25, 2006
No Longer Newlyweds!
We decided to take a 4 day long weekend up in Osoyoos to celebrate and this time we didn't camp. We couldn't even if we wanted to. The Park was closed. Strange!
Anyway, we stayed at the brand new Spirit Ridge Resort at the Nk'Mip winery. It was great! Beautiful views!
If you are a chocolate lover like me, you absolutely MUST go to their restaurant "PassaTempo" and have their Chocolate Plate for dessert. I won't go into detail but you all know how much I love good chocolate. Well, this dessert has blown everything I've ever tried out of the water. It's simple and DEVINE and only 12$!!!!
Well, I'm working at the Business Objects offices today as I'm gearing up for my big roadtrip with them. I leave on Sunday. I present the same 2 presentations 4 times in 4 days in 4 different cities. Panel discussions, lunches while answering questions and other things too. Boston, NYC, Washington DC, and then finally Chicago.
I return Thursday night to get ready for the user conference that starts Sunday. Back to the office on Friday to deal with last minute details for the next conference. Then, presentations on sunday as well as panel discussions and manning the "campground" where I sit and wait for people to ask me questions and I also "blog" my adventures on their website.
Anyway, I've got to run and start my dry-run presentation. Cheers for now.
Oct 11, 2006
Back to The European Trip - ROMA!!!

We're talking about our day in Rome, Italy. After a 90 minute bus ride in from the coast (ugh!!!) we got down to business. Even though it was a Sunday we saw a whole bunch of interesting things. Did you know that the Vatican owns property ALL over Rome?!?!? All of the sites that underground contain catacombs. We got to go into some of those catacombs. Very interesting. Couldn't take any photos though. Pretty cold down there. We weren't dressed for that cuz everywhere else was nice and warm.

Off to the Colosseum (as in Colossus - REALLY BIG). It is actually 2 stadiums together. Did you know that originally, it was a Caesar's PERSONAL SWIMMING POOL. YEESH! Then it became a place to watch entertaining naval battles. Imagine mini boats like kids in a bathtub only bigger. Then the infamous use.

The movie makers that did Gladiator actually improved the stadium to bring it back to show what it looked like. Another use it had was a home for a large family. I don't quite understand that one but whatever. All the marble is now gone. To the churches (Vatican)....

St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. It is AMAZING. Can't do it justice. Pictures from inside just didn't turn out. Needed a better camera I guess.

Ah... The Swiss Guards in their "interesting" uniforms.
Well, that's it for now. Next day will probably be the windswept island of Mykonos, Greece
Oct 10, 2006
Ham Dinner for 13 adults and 2 kids - DONE!
Ham, sweet potatoes, brussel sprouts, corn, salad, buns. Desserts were amazing. Brought by guests. Pumpkin pie, Mexican Milk Cake, Butter tarts (2 sizes) and my own made up recipe for Apple Maple Cranberry Crisp/Crumble.
Thank for for all coming. I hope you all enjoyed yourselves on Sunday.
Oct 2, 2006
1 year + 1 day and my laptop suffered a power surge
Extended warranties are REALLY useful for laptops since local companies are not allowed to open up and repair them. They are so specialized.
I'm now without a machine and having to use Rich's desktop. I'm supposed to be going on a trip in a few weeks. I hope that the new adapter (or fixed old one) is sent back to me SOON.
In the meantime, I'm doing LOTS of needlework. :)
Sep 28, 2006
My life is a little boring right now
Sure. I'm still active socially (ROCA and Women's Choir) but I someone I wonder if I'm starting to relate to the cat. :)
I've been spending a lot of time answering questions on the internet for my former employer. I do like that I can work at home in the hours that work best for me. Be it just an hour a day or 4 to 6.
Yesterday, I sent in two draft powerpoint presentations for my roadshow and user conference presentations. These are the ones I need for the 4 cities in 4 days tour (NYC, Washington DC, Boston, and Chicago) and the user conference in San Francisco. Unfortunately, there have been no comments back on what the team thinks of my initial ideas.
Sep 18, 2006
Cat-astrophe Averted

Who would have thought that the simple act of getting the mail from the mailbox would create such anxious, stress, and nervousness.
I was not feeling well around 1.30pm today so I was going to go and lie down for a moment but as I do every day, I wanted to bring the mail in. I open the door so slightly as I do every time, grabbed the mail out of the mailbox and closed it and the door. Nothing strange there. I went and had a rest for about an hour until my headache subsided.
When I got up about an hour later, I decided I should put Packers' (the cat's) collar back on. We'd removed it for the weekend as we had guests and the bell can get a little annoying in the middle of the night. (Cats = Nocturnal Creatures). So I did my typical walk around the house looking for her. That turned up nothing. So, I tried the shaking of the food (she has never missed a "chow call" yet). Still nothing. Now I'm worried. Checked all windows and under all things. Nothing. I'm frantic.
I know to most of you this sounds ridiculous but this cat is our pride and joy and she is a part of the family. Not only that but, if she is outside, she's got not claws in her front paws (was done before we acquired her). She couldn't protect herself.
So, now I've figured out that the little escape artist must have snuck out when I got the mail. She has always been trying to get out of the house. One day under the FedEx truck and another under the car in the garage.
I went looking for her but nothing. I headed over to our neighbours to the east (Adrienne & Ted's) and Adrienne said yes, the cat came by and came into their house twice before she put the cat out again along with her own cat (Yoda). Yoda is the neighbourhood cat that looks out for others aparently. They got along well. But that was half an hour ago.... So, I went to get the food for "Chow call". Thought I'd try it outside.
In the backyard, I tried again. No sound but I figured, if she got into Adrienne's back yard, she could just as easily jump the fence to our other neighbours house (Iris and Rudy). I peered over the fence and sure enough, there she was. I shook the food again and she came running but didn't seem to want to jump the fence.
I went around to their place. Apparently, they have a cat that looks VERY similar except thinner. Iris had openned the door for a friend who came to visit and Packers just walked in the door, went straight to the food dish. Iris didn't realize Packers wasn't her cat until she saw them both in the same room!
Rudy decided to keep her in the back yard. He had a funny feeling that someone would come looking. She was happy to see me but also hissing because of all the commotion. She was on the lam (or free depending on your point of view) for 2 hours.
Got her home and now she's sitting in my lap purring away. She usually only does that at night. I think she learned a lesson or two. Maybe one of her nine lives was on the verge of being used up.
We're just so thankful to our neighbours who all just pitched in so quickly to help. What a great village we live in. Steveston is wonderful.
Sep 15, 2006
Raymond is staying over tonight
They are going to a company barbecue tonight and then Ray and I will probably play World of Warcraft. (Ray has a character on Rich's account).
Have a great weekend everyone.
Sep 13, 2006
My excuse is a Reason!!!! (Also ROCA event Oct 3rd)
Turns out, the software nuked my network connection. In fact, nuked our whole house network. It took me 8 hours to get things back running again.
I'm now trying to reinstall it one more time because I need the software for my contract with Business Objects. I need it for my presentation trips at the end of October and the beginning of November.
I'm working on getting my work life and my blog (right here) up and going more reliably. Consider this a start.
BTW, if you're interested and are free on the evening of Tuesday Oct 3rd (7pm), Richmond Chorus is presenting "Richmond Sings" a line-up of choirs from around Richmond. Churches, schools and community choirs. Tickets are 10$ and all proceeds go to the Richmond Dream Auction. It's a charity event and it is to show our fine arts initiative in Richmond. Please check out the ROCA site for more information.
Aug 31, 2006
L.A. Job Disappeared but My SOHO is Coming Along
I've been trying to set up my SOHO (Small Office Home Office) and it's coming along nicely. Biggest purchase was a multi-purpose printer/copy/fax/scanner machine. I may actually get some wedding pics scanned in the future on this thing. (No timeline).
I like to work at the funky bar table we have so that I can stand and work. Then again, I also like to work sitting in the Joey chair (reference to Friends sit-com). So, the SOHO is practically the whole kitchen/family room/breakfast nook. I love the variety.
I am going to try to update this blog more often now that I am actually working at home. (Let's see how long the at home thing lasts eh?)
Aug 4, 2006
Gone Fishin' Literally AND Figuratively
:) Camping too.
And yes, I finally FINISHED my last project. YAY!!!! :)
Talk to you soon
Jul 31, 2006
I'm SO Close to Finished, I Can ALMOST Taste It!!!
This project has taken a huge toll on me. Rich has been so great at keeping me grounded. I wasn't planning on working this much or this hard. The routine migraines came back and all. Life shouldn't be like this.
Now I can see the end. I'm so excited. Early Thursday morning (and when I say early, I mean EARLY) I'll be heading out with my mom, brother, sister-in-law, niece and nephew for a cross-province drive to visit my father's side of the family. We're going to Kimberley BC. My mom and brother are only staying up until Tuesday (brother has to work) but we'll be staying until the following Sunday. We're going to be camping on Kootenay Lake (I think it's that lake). My nephew is going to have a blast I know it.
We're so looking forward to seeing my aunt, cousins and kids and my grandmother. Unfortunately, Rich has to work but I'm taking up toys etc... that he picked out for the kids. :)
Well, I guess I'd better make some more progress on those last 6 reports. Signing off.
Jul 27, 2006
Can you believe it, I'm now being PAID to blog?
Will work EVER end?
Actually last Friday, my boss (who is on vacation himself this week) told the guys in Santa Barbara that we're working for that I can do this until the 2nd of Aug. Sneaky man! He just asked me when I was planning on taking off for my vacation to the Interior. How was I to know he would use it against me.
I've created (and am maintaining) 46 in the last 3 days. That averages to 1 every 80 minutes or something like that. ICK! I'm drinking from a reporting FIREHOSE!!!
Jul 11, 2006
Happy Birthday Richard!!!!
But, just for fun (and because I got my work done days early), I'm going to head home early and surprise him. Apparently it's 7-11's big 100 year birthday too and they are giving away free Slurpees. Guess I should get one for the birthday boy.
Well, I know he's not big on the big huge celebration so I'll just let you all go. I'm going to celebrate with him. If you feel up to it, contact him by phone or email and wish him a happy day. I know he'll like that. :) Or just add your comments here and I'll make sure he sees it.
Mmmmmm..... Slurpeeeeeeeeee...... Tongue hanging out of mouth.....
Jul 10, 2006
Medical Addiction
In and of itself, that doesn't made addiction but this medication creates nasty withdrawl if I don't take it for two days. Some days it feels like a serious migrane while others, it's like a nasty hangover.
Today it's the migraine variety. I can get a lot done in the dark of the den as long as I can work my own hours.
Luckily I'm going to see my doctor tomorrow about it. Couldn't get in any earlier. (Been waiting for a week). Hopefully she'll have an alternative plan for my medical needs.
Jul 4, 2006
Introducing the Newest Member of Our Family!!!!!
We were so worried that there would be an adjustment period. AS IF!!! She jumped up on my lap within an hour of Cathy and Brian dropping her off.

Jun 27, 2006
So much for daily journal entries
And what a week it was! Robin and Lindsay got married and I was honoured to be one of Lindsay's bridesmaids. Needless to say, the last few days before a wedding are really busy.
Oh yeah, did I mention we're adopting a cat. Well, we're going to do a "trial run" actually. We're going to be acquiring Rich's Aunt's cat named Packers (cuz her eyes are green -> Green Bay PACKERS). I last saw her at Christmas and she just was a bundle of affection. We'll see if that continues after the initial shock wears off. :) We sure hope so. Cathy is bringing Packers over on Sunday.
BTW, if you've heard of the Compline service at Christ Church Cathedral in downtown (Georgia/Burrard), I will be standing in with the Richmond Chorus and St. Mary's choir both this coming Sunday and next (July 2/9). The regular choir is on tour in Mexico. For more info, please see the link above or contact me.
Jun 16, 2006
OK OK - Pictures! European Trip - Monaco
Our first stop (upon leaving Barcelona) was on the French Riveria. We were in Villefranche. This first picture is of Villefranche from the train platform as we waited to board.

Here is the harbour with the most amazing and expensive boats.
I know this picture looks strange but what you need to know is that the scaffolding to the left is the start/finish line of the Grand Prix and they were still setting it up. Rich is a race fan but he's more of a NASCAR fan but it still seemed appropriate. Plus his brother Steve and his Mom are Formula 1 fans.
As you can see there are two races that get run. First is the classic race the week before. Below are the dates of the races. This is a bumper beside the road. Thought it was a funny reminder.
Here is the grandstand right in the middle of the main round about in front of the Grand Hotel and Grand Casino. I wonder what the place would look like without the race stuff.
And here is the big "Grand Casino" that costs 20$USD to get into and that you have to have a certain dress code to be allowed in. The cars out front were insane. We saw two Lambourghinis (one was ORANGE). Pourches, Ferraris, Mercedes, Alfas, and Beamers OH MY!
We didn't go into the big casino but we did go into the one next door.
Well, gotta run. Obviously there are stories about the pictures above but I just can't do the stories justice up here. Would much prefer to talk about it in person.
Perhaps I'll post part of Rome next. Have a great weekend all!
Jun 14, 2006
Migraine Ran Over Me Today
Although I was fighting it, I was REALLY productive. I submitted 10 reports today. In an industry where it's normal to get 1 report every 2 days, this is great productivity. Guess I was hiding out.
I have to still submit my project idea to my former employer. Like I said before, I wouldn't be working for the same group. Also, I would be doing more of the stuff like I am now. Report Design.
Lindsay and I are going for facials on Saturday. Her wedding to Robin is next Friday night at Brock House. We're so excited for them. I haven't tried on my bridesmaid's dress yet. I'm sure I will before the week is out.
Sunday is going to be a busy day. We're doing Father's Day for my brother Mark and my Mom's birthday together for lunch here at the house and then we're heading out to Surrey to celebrate Father's Day with Rich's parents.
Jun 13, 2006
Tuesday = Tired
For someone who has been working at the same company for her entire adult life, it meant going back in my mind really far to what I "could" have done if I hadn't gone into the software industry.
Can you believe that the career testing says my skills and interests are in order Scientific, Musical, and Artistic. Yeah. Like I'm going to get a job in the Musical or Artistic field.
I had to make a collage of what my dream job would be today using cut-outs from magazines. Interesting experience. I'm not finished yet but if you're ever over here, you might find it interesting and insightful. :) I certainly did. I didn't realize what was really important to me until I did this exercise.
Jun 12, 2006
Do I Have What It Takes to Be a Champion???
He even said if I chose to go, he'd help me prepare. I would be the one and only representative for Canada. It sounds so daunting. Technically, I'd be competing against him but I'm not looking to win or place, just show as they say in racing.
I'll explain more about the championships in future posts I promise.
I'm in the midst of reading his book and trying to get my mental exercises going. First step he suggests is journalizing every day. So, here is Day 1. :)
Today, I attended my first Career Management course that I was given as part of my package upon leaving my former employer. I received some rather interesting information about some potential job areas based on my skills, interests and styles.
Apparently, I'm in the 99th percentile for Scientific work including diagnostics, lab work, medical and pharmacology. Yes, this does include "engineering (technical especially)". I promised myself I would look outside the engineering environment. Already have enough of those in the house that is at the top already.
I go back tomorrow to do something called a career map. For those of you that have heard of the Myers-Briggs test, my counsellor says I'm an ENTP (Extrovert, iNtuitive, Thinker, Perceiver). An inventor/innovator. Great for self-employment. Good thig cuz that's what I'm doing right now.
Speaking of which, I'm ALMOST done my big contract. I'm counting the days. 12 business days to be exact. Then I go into true consulting/contractor mode.
I'm looking at a very part-time (10 hrs max) external contract role with my former employer. Now don't get upset or anything. It's not with that old group. In fact, this is with a group that truly appreciates what I have always brought to the table.
During my initial meeting last Friday, was brought up that they can't believe that they let a talent like me go. :) Now it's coming around to help out. They now need someone on the outside that looks like a true champion/expert to help in their forums. Basically, I will get PAID TO BLOG!!! But not this kind of rambling about whatever. It will be tips and tricks of my trade as well as caveats (what to avoid) and samples of things that I've learned over the years.
I'm quite excited about the possibility of this. It's not 100% yet. I have to submit a proposal this week but it's very promising. All of the comments I'm getting from my contact are very positive.
Well, I have to sign off now as I am off to pick up my husband from a night out with the guys.
May 25, 2006
We're back! So much to tell...
Sorry for the mixup on the link before we left but it should all be fixed now. You will find all of our vacation stuff on
I'll try to get that blog out (on the other site) with some pics as soon as possible but work is in full swing and it has my full attention.
Cheers for now. Will be adding the real stuff soon I hope. Keep checking the other site.
May 3, 2006
It's May 2006. Do you know where Rich & Kat are?
In the virtual world, we're going to try to document our journey on a separate blog.
Come and see us there. We're going to try to keep it updated if the internet situation is adequate.
Apr 21, 2006
Conflict Resolved.... I'm singing with the Corpus Christi College Chamber Choir on June 3rd
Luckily both directors were very understanding. I did have to give up trying for a solo with Richmond which I think I could have gotten if I tried. Oh well, next time.
On to other things... So, if you're interested in coming to the concert that I'm ACTUALLY singing in, tickets can be purchased through TicketMaster. It's Saturday June 3rd at 8pm. It's called the Spirit Alive Concert by St. Patrick Secondary. We're their special guest again.
There will full orchestral pieces and some really amazing World Music as well. This school is amazing in its choral program. You will just not believe they are kids.
Apr 4, 2006
How I hate conflict and disappointing others!
No matter what I do, one director and one choir is going to be disappointed in me. I've strived all year to be at every rehearsal I was able to make for both choirs (at the detriment of a third in fact) and making all of the concerts (and there were many). Now this. It all comes down to this.
It's still two months away but it's eating away at me.
On the one hand, I have a choir that I've been in for years but does very little on its own (focuses on being a guest performer for a High School).
The other, I've only just joined this year but I've had the opportunity to go with them to New York's Carnegie Hall and am being given the opportunity to pursue (read PURSUE not HAVE) a solo for the concert.
My loyalty is torn. The director of the chamber choir (smaller choir) I've known for years is going to be really disappointed if I choose the chorus (larger choir). However, I don't see any advancement in my choral "career" within the chamber choir. I think I've overstayed my welcome but leaving mid-season was never in the plans!!!
I wouldn't want to disappoint the director of the chorus either. I'm seeing that I'm being placed in a position of leadership within my section and for a "first year", that's very rare. Again, my opportunities are brighter with the larger group.
I've warned both directors of the conflict and have indicated "slightly" which way I'm leaning but I haven't heard back from one of them.
I loathe the idea of anyone being disappointed by me or my actions (or inaction).
Mar 17, 2006
The concert was FANTASTIC - from performer's perspective

We arrived on Friday night to the hotel (Mid-Town) around 9.30 or so. We called my cousin Anne-Marie (Greenwich Village) to see if she and her boyfriend Brent wanted to come meet us for drinks (we were gonna eat cuz we were starving). We met them at Grand Central Station. Yes, you can actually find people in there (with the help of a cell of course). We ate at Annie Moore's pub (nice English pub named after the first immigrant to pass through Ellis Island).
Saturday morning... We had rehearsal starting at 1pm. We went to rehearsal after meeting my two Moms (Mom and Mom-in-Law of course) for breakfast. Rehearsal lasted a horrifying 4 hours. It was physically painful (the chairs were not singing choral chairs). While we were rehearsing, the others did a bus tour of the city. Basically saw all the big things in 4 hours.
Sunday morning was UGLY. Still not on NYC time... We had rehearsal set for 9am!!! That's 6am Pacific Time. I'm not the morning singer I used to be (back in the day - go Jugglers). This was the last rehearsal before being in the hall. I actually rehearsed the soloist part for fun. (about 10 of us did - nothing to come out of it but it was fun to try).
Monday was the big day. Dress rehearsal at 2pm and then dinner with family and friends until they had to go to the concert. We had to wait because our call time wasn't until after the concert started (we were the last act). So, Robin and I sat in the restaurant and sipped Drambuie to loosen our throats. Worked wonderfully.
I can't expressed in words what it felt like to be standing up on that stage where so many elite musicians have stood. Seeing manuscripts from Mozart and Chopin on the walls in the hallway, swearing that you could hear cheering of your predecessors to help you through it. The experience is just not something I can put in words.
I would like to thank my family and friends who were able to experience this with me. Amy (cuz you got me into this mess - hee hee), Robin (cuz I brought YOU into this mess - har har) & Lindsay (crazy NYC shop-girl who can even get a non-shopper like me to actually buy a pair of shoes in New York - UNBELIEVABLE), Anne-Marie & Brent, John, Mom & Bev. It was just so special having you all there.
If you are interested in hearing what we performed, don't forget that we're performing it again (just our group this time - not the 150 voices) on March 26th in the afternoon.
So looking forward to getting the washer and dryer hooked up tomorrow. But that's a whole other story. Goodnight all! Happy St. Patrick's Day.
Mar 9, 2006
New York in a minute or 1440 anyway
Snowing in Downtown Vancouver right now. And it's 10 degrees (the good 10) in NYC. Isn't that somewhat backwards?
Will try to post from there. Keep checking.
Mar 7, 2006
Carnegie Hall concert in 1 week! Want to hear what we're singing? (concert on March 26th)
Life has been pretty crazy since the fall. New house purchase, move-in, house issues (murphy's law of course), lay-offs, wedding, another move, honeymoon, auditions, multiple choirs, contract work (full-time since new year - was only going to take on a 2 week project only for a friend (once) and here I am in March still working - 4 different contracts since). PHEW! I've included you on this email because I want you to know that I'm thinking about you even if I haven't been in contact lately. Drop me a line ANYTIME and I'll make time I promise. I'm just in a situation right now where I don't know where to start. OH YEAH! NEW YORK!!! Good place to start.
I'm getting just SO excited. Only 3 sleeps until we leave for the big apple. Can you believe it? All of my years of singing in community choirs has led to this. I'm gettig to sing in the most "hallowed" of hallowed choral halls on March 13th. I'm getting the opportunity to sing (as part of the Richmond Chorus) at CARNEGIE HALL!!!
Rich (my husband) and both of our mothers are making the trip as well. Plus 2 of my cousins will be there at the concert too.
The works we're singing are by Imant Raminsh (Canadian Composer) who will actually conduct us in NYC.
Since so many people have asked to hear what we're going to perform, there will be a concert of ALL CANADIAN music on Sunday March 26th at 3pm at Fraserview Church in Richmond (Cambie and Shell Rd). Tickets are 15$.

There will be LOTS of other pieces of music too that you will recognize (Four Strong Winds, We Rise Again etc...). Please come and support our association (
If you would like tickets, please let me know ASAP so that I can get some put aside for you. I'm pretty sure this will be a sell-out or pretty close. If you don't know yet, don't worry, just tell me when you can. (Last time I can pick up tickets is the Tuesday after St. Patrick's day.
Feb 23, 2006
Start Spreading the News....
For those of you Vancouverites who want to hear what we're singing (some amazingly complex stuff), we will be performing the pieces here in Richmond at the end of March. If you're interested, please contact me and I'll get you info about tickets.
Oh yeah... And for those of you salivating for wedding photos, we FINALLY got the negatives from the photographer this week. We're hoping to get them digitized so that we can post some of them up on a site sometime soon. In any event, if you're really wanting to see them, come on over to the house. We got'em and would love for you to see them.
Carnegie Hall, here I come! Watch out New York!!!
Jan 16, 2006
When It Rains...
It's been 3 months since I left the only real job I've ever known. With Christmas over, I had a couple of requests from former co-workers who need my expertise as a report designer. I decided to take on just one contract for the beginning of the month.
As soon as I took the first one, I got three more. Would you believe I have been working full-time since the first week of the month. I'm on my fourth contract and I'm getting good money.
Tomorrow I head to Langley for 3 days of work.
I even got an email from my former boss - who left BOBJ before I did - asking if I want to work with his company. HM... VERY INTERESTING.
I hear a thunderclap. The rain is POURING down.
Jan 4, 2006
I'm still alive. I promise!
Just to name a few things that have happened in the past 90 days:
- Laid off work
- Had a few wedding showers, stag/staggette parties
- Got married
- Gift Opening at the new house
- Sang in a concert the week after the wedding
- Moved 2 people (separately) into the new house
- Went over to the island for a few days
- Went to Fiji and Australia for honeymoon (heard about our niece Makayla's birth while there - Welcome to the world!)
- Sang in another 2 concerts the next two days after returning from Fiji and Australia. (Imagine the state of my voice!)
- Did an itty bitty contract job (42 minutes to create a report - then had to explain it for 90 minutes)
- Hosted a Pre-Christmas dinner party for 10 at our humble abode. (Had to decorate of course)
- Celebrated Christmas with family and friends at 4 different locations on Christmas day.
- Left on a 6am bus to Kimberley on Boxing Day - returned the morning of New Years Eve.
- Cruise around English Bay for New Years.
- Started a new contract job (probably about 2 weeks worth) just yesterday
Well, that's just at a glance what we've been up to. I apologize for not being more responsive. I am trying to keep this resolution. So far so good. Week 1 is now in the bag. :)
Happy New Year!