Oct 2, 2006

1 year + 1 day and my laptop suffered a power surge

Literally 1 year and a day after I was laid off, my laptop hit a power surge and the power adapter blew out. I'm SO lucky that I took out a 3 year extended warranty on the machine. This is my second time I've had to use the warranty on this machine.

Extended warranties are REALLY useful for laptops since local companies are not allowed to open up and repair them. They are so specialized.

I'm now without a machine and having to use Rich's desktop. I'm supposed to be going on a trip in a few weeks. I hope that the new adapter (or fixed old one) is sent back to me SOON.

In the meantime, I'm doing LOTS of needlework. :)

1 comment:

Amy said...

Hey Hey Hey... hope all goes well tonight i am sick sick sickie and hate not being able to take my magic advil cold and sinus pills - darn baby....