Oct 30, 2006

Planes, Trains & Automobiles! Well, Actually Planes, Limos & Trains

And this is ONLY DAY 2!!!! This is the big "4 cities in 4 days roadshow".

We missed our connection in Montreal due to snow. We knew before we took off in Vancouver we were going to miss the last flight out to Boston. We did make up time in the air only to find out when we landed that US Customs closed 10 minutes before we got there! ARGH!

Since we HAD no choice but to find alternative transportation (we had to be ready to work at 6.45 am the next day). It was decided to take a limo. An extra long stretch one. There were 6 of us.

We hit massive snow. We got stopped at the border. The rest stops were all closed. Even gas stations were closed. It's a six hour drive.

But now I can add two more states I've driven through. Saw nothing though so doesn't really count. (Vermont and New Hampshire are new to me - well so is MA).

We arrived at the hotel at 3.15 in the morning. By the time head hit the pillow it was 3.30. I spent a total of 3 hours in the room and spent 417$ US!!!!!! Yikes!!!!!! Good thing I'm being paid for this.

I've been suffering with a sore throat as of late and the plane ride took it over the edge. I had to do two presentations with absolutely no voice. I'm literally whispering into a wireless microphone. But everyone seemed to find it funny because I was introduced with hobbies like singing. It makde for a good ice-breaker.

Now, I'm literally on board a "limoliner". It's a bus with the amenities of a limo. Leather seats, plugs for laptops. Even 2 wireless satelite routers so I'm actually connected to the internet writing this as we blaze our way to New York City.

Tomorrow, we take a train to Washington DC. Halloween in the Capitol. That should be interesting. We're on Embassy Row apparently.

Well, I'm going to sign off and try to catch up on the half a dozen hours of missed sleep. And rest my voice.

Signing off from just outside Framingham MA. Under the half moon. Goodnight all.

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