Nov 4, 2006

User Conference Presentations - The San Francisco Treat

I'm now in the second week of my two week roadshow work. Luckily it's all in one place. I get to actually UNPACK!!!! I'm presenting 8 times tomorrow (Sunday). My voice is STILL gone. I hope I don't have another coughing attack. I even have to answer questions during lunch. Monday to Wednesday, I sit in the "Developer Zone" filled with white boards and sofas and answer even MORE questions. Let's see how it all goes.

If you are reading this on Sunday and would like to go to the concert that I had to miss, it's at 3pm at Riverview. It will be a really good classical orchestra and choral concert. I'm really sorry to be missing it.

1 comment:

Amy said...

havn't seen you in what seems forever, didn't get to talk last night... how was your trip are you hip hop happy to be home?