Apr 2, 2009

Not Much to write about today

I've been so busy with lil'A as well as trying to shake off the monkey on my back cough/cold that I've really not got much on my mind.

No cute pics of late.  But here are some of my random thoughts/stuff over the past week or 2:
  • If I haven't responded to any email you sent, I apologize.  My laptop had to go in for repairs,  On to week 2 now.  Might be another week.  My emails are saved on that machine.  Only new emails can I get now that I'm the iMacs in the den.  I miss my wireless access laptop.
  • I'm thinking of becoming an agent for http://www.lovablelabels.ca.  I know lots of mommies who would potentially purchases these types of things and perhaps so of you g-parents or even teachers for their students.  If you would purchase this kind of stuff (similar to an Avon or Tupperware Rep), please let me know.
  • I'm officially unemployed.  I turned in my resignation to SAP effective March 16.  No more EI.  I'm now officially a drain on my husband.  :)  I'm finished with the software development market.  I miss my colleagues and friends but I see them outside the office anyway.  It was time for me to move on.  I need a change in a big way.  Well, there IS motherhood but I mean career-wise.  Hence...
  • A friend of mine (former co-worker) put up pics of us when we in a band at work for our Christmas party in '03 I think.  They are on facebook.  Have a laugh.
  • I'm still considering training to become a Medical Transcriptionist from a company called Canscribe.  It's funny.  The school is in Lake Country BC.  The gal knows Camp Arbuckle.  Small World.  Anyway, I would do the courses online.  Have a friend that just started and is impressed so far.  It takes about a year to get certified.
  • Oh yeah, not sure if everyone knows but lil'A is not so "lil" any more.  She's now a 1 year- old.  I can't believe it.  She's a complete riot to be around.  Trying to walk right now. 

Saturday is a special day to me.  It's the day that Rich proposed in London.  If you want the details, check out Engagements before Weddings in my archives.  It marks the new beginning that we're both now enjoying thoroughly.

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