We are very luck in so many ways here in Steveston. One of the best things now that lil'A is here is that we have a green-way right across the street from us. We call it "our park".
There are many different blooming trees in the park so I decided to take lil'A out for a "photo shoot), Yeah, like I'm a photographer.... Not. But I try...
There were some cherry trees blooming (background) while others (foreground) come out in May. It's a white one. Not sure why white cherry trees blossom later but they seem to; at least in Steveston.
Since it was cherry blossom season and as Rich pointed out, the Japanese come HERE for the cherry blossom festival now, I thought it appropriate for a dress-up shoot in lil'A's cherry blossom dress.

I had her sit pretty on a pink blanket for a pic of two but she would have none of it. As soon as I stood up and picked up the camera, she was off like a rocket.

She did sit dow for a mo' or too. This shot quite amazed me. She doesn't like our SLR camera because she can't see my face. I must have made a strange sound (will not elaborate) to get her to smile, let alone do the "I did it!" sign she does.

She was just in her element here. Grass, room to roam and a dress, shoes, and frilly-bummed nylons to get nice and green. Well, what ELSE is a girl SUPPOSED to do? I ask you...

She kept following my shadow. It seems to be her thing right now. especially in the stroller when we go out "on the village".

Sitting still... Wow. I guess she finally caught up with her shadow. I decided to take some "interpretive" shots or whatever you'd call them on the angles. I actually think this one is quite cute. It shows off her ballet slippers too.

When I said "Time to go", she immediately started out for the house. I had to get my bag, her blanket etc... By the time I caught up with her, she was half-way home. Can she ever MOVE...
Happy Easter'ish Everyone (belated is what I mean by "ish").
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