I know everyone want to see pics our lil'A at Christmas, so please press here.
Dec 29, 2009
Christmas Pictures
Sorry not saying much these days. It's been a very busy Christmas week. This week is the same. Rich is wrapping up his stuff at SAP and starts at his new career company Indicee. Yes, you read it right. Rich resigned from "Crystal/Seagate/Business Objects/SAP".
Dec 1, 2009
Music Music Everywhere!!!! - "Life in the Fast Lane" -the Eagles
It defines our life these days. Lil'A and I haven't had a day with nowhere to go. (Ok, today is an exception - hence my blog).
With my standing appointments 3 times a week, have a "Manic Mommies" chat every other week (just because we're all so busy), and swimming, we're swamped. So many others too but they escape me right now.
As for my music stuff. Here starts the busiest time of the year. Not only is it concert season, it's also Advent (the 4 weeks before Christmas). Then of course, there's the whole song-fest on Christmas Day.
Tonight is the start of the fun.
- We have our Dress Rehearsal for our "Gift of Carols" concert on December 13th at 3pm at the Pentecostal Church.
- Then on Saturday, it's Dress Rehearsal for the same concert (Gift of Carols) that we will performing on Tuesday December 8th at 6.30 pm at All Saints Church in Ladner. I actually have a fun solo for this one concert. It will be fun. It's a fun take on a true Classic :)
For both concerts, I have auditioned with my friends Robin, Lindsay, and our new friend Brian for a quartet. The song will allow 3 sets of quartets to alternate verses. It is going to sound REALLY neat. Looking forward to these concerts.
For more info on the choir I sing with, please check out Richmond Orchestra and Chorus Association aka ROCA's website.
If you are interested in attending either concert, please let me know (email or FB or the old try and true telephone - dare I say it). If you have none of these contacts, just comment here and we'll work out some communication method)
Usually by this time of year, I'm down in the dumps because of the weather and feeling like I'm overbooked and confused. Music, parties, trying to figure out how to see or at least chat with our 4 families in one day. This year, many of these issues were decided for me. That takes a load off my shoulders.
It's allowing me to spend more happy time with lil'A and big'R :) and Packers too of course.
Also, if your inclined to join a Christian celebration on Christmas morning, I am also singing with the Holy Rosary Cathedral's Women Choir at the 9.30 am mass.
Well, off to dress rehearsal #1.
Nov 13, 2009
A Whole Bunch of Photo Albums
I apologize for not updating this blog in a long while. I know you've been looking for pictures of lil'A and her adventures as her first year as a toddler.
I've been quite underwhelmed at Blogger when it comes to adding pictures to posts. Only 5 at a time and everytime BACKWARDS from the order than you asked.
So, I had an idea. Facebook has a wonderful photo album feature and it seems to have a "share the link with others".
So, I'm going to try this out. From a blog perspective, I hope allows my apologies allow for forgiveness from you.
Lil'A in the Springtime
Playing with Photography - Cuz's Wedding '08
Lil'A in the Summertime
Playing with Photography - Misc
All Hallow's Eve (eve)
Lil'A in Fall
The order of these albums are oldest to newest. (The Fall album is the latest).
PS: If the links don`t work, please email me (or contact me on facebook) to let me know (I can`t test
I've been quite underwhelmed at Blogger when it comes to adding pictures to posts. Only 5 at a time and everytime BACKWARDS from the order than you asked.
So, I had an idea. Facebook has a wonderful photo album feature and it seems to have a "share the link with others".
So, I'm going to try this out. From a blog perspective, I hope allows my apologies allow for forgiveness from you.
Lil'A in the Springtime
Playing with Photography - Cuz's Wedding '08
Lil'A in the Summertime
Playing with Photography - Misc
All Hallow's Eve (eve)
Lil'A in Fall
The order of these albums are oldest to newest. (The Fall album is the latest).
PS: If the links don`t work, please email me (or contact me on facebook) to let me know (I can`t test
Oct 2, 2009
I know, I know. Long Time But Lots on the Mind
This is just going to be a quick update and things weighing on my mind and not necessarily in order:
- Mom's hip surgery went swimmingly at VGH
- Mom is now at G.F. Strong rehabilitation centre in the Arthritis program. She's happy about that but not being cooped up.
- We've been up to Kimberley for a wonderful visit with the Hunt side of the family. Mark, Jodi and the kids came from Calgary as well. It was great to have all of the kids together again even though they saw each other earlier in the summer. Great to have them there and involved in Nan's big surprise birthday party. (She was completely surprised).
- Lil'A has started "Family & Tot" swimming lessons. Funny thing is, she loves the water. TOO MUCH! All she wants to do is dunk and drink. Can't get her to blow bubbles to saved my life. Tried the bath and everything. UGH!!!
- Lil'A is using a soother only at night. We're hoping to work it out of her some weekend this month.
- We're not sure when will be the right time to potty train lil'A. Things are always on the go outside of the house that I don't think we're going to be at home full time until the Olympics.
- Can't wait to watch ALL the Olympic coverage. TiVo is going to be smoking by the closing ceremonies. Love the fact I can get through a 4 hour chunk 2 hours if I fast forward through commercials and some commentaries. ALL HAIL TO TiVo!!!
- Opening Ceremonies are on my birthday. Looking forward to a celebratory bowl of microwave popcorn and cozying up in front of the TV.
- Have yet to go back to cotton diapers. Feel bad but am just to exhausted and she is demanding way more attention.
- She's at the mimic stage. Uh Oh.
- My PC's WiFi went on me for the second time in 6 months. I'm pretty ticked.
- The PeaPod is a complete life-saver on trips. lil'A is now climbing into it herself to go to bed. It's working!!!! Happy Mummy
- Stress is affecting my skin. Face is a mess and now getting patches of dry skin elsewhere. Doesn't go away.
- Lil'A went to Bowen Island last weekend with the HRC Women's Choir (church choir). She had a blast. One girl older and one younger to play with. They were having the time of their lives. The choir calls it their annual "Overseas trip".
- Lil'A is now using complete words and some phrases as well as the signs for them. Very shocking to see the signs because I gave up on them about 6 months ago. Her favourite is when I say, "What's the magic word?" (the answer is supposed to be "please"). Her response is always "COOKIE" with a devious smile on her face. Next time I ask, she gets it right. She's TOTALLY playing me. Ugh.
- We're moving toward a 1 nap day but timing is terrible. Usually 11 to 1. Need it to be 1 to 3 or 2 to 4 in order to get her to bed but 7pm.
- She's sleeping through the night alright. 12-13hrs! WAHOO!!!!
- Our 4th anniversary is coming up. We're just going to lay low because we're just too busy.
- We're off to lil'A's Great Grandparents anniversary dinner tomorrow. Looking forward to seeing the Buker side of the family.
Hope that gives you a glimpse (not even close to all) of life at the moment.
Have lots of pics to share but I'm in a quandary. Some of my pics are great (don't mean to boast but that is what many others have told me). Not sure I want to put them on the ether for others to claim as their own. We're trying to figure out how to handle it right now. Ugh.
Well, "Clifford the Big Red Dog" is now over so I need to head back in and get back to mummy duties.
Aug 19, 2009
Looks like House Staging - At least I think so.
As our Pampered Chef party draws near (tomorrow!!!) we have been what I call "re-invigorating) our home. Focus is on the kitchen of course but the entire main floor is in on the act. Here are some pics from today's finishing touches.
Supervisor lil'A is on the job. Sitting right in the middle of the cleaning job.
The breakfast nook. I bought this table and 4 chairs as my first big purchase when I moved out on my own. Notice the symmetry. I'm trying to learn how to "dress" a home.

Celebrating now that the big job is done by playing with toys and drinking water. PHEW all that work makes a little girl thirsty.

Let's see how things look after tonight and tomorrow. A lot of time between now and the party to mess things up. I promise to TRY to keep the granite in sight. hehehehe.
See many of you tomorrow.
Aug 17, 2009
House Party (firm date) is a great way to get the house changed
PHEW! We're working very hard at getting the house ready for the Pampered Chef Cooking Show that we're hosting on Thursday Night.
BTW, if you're interested in attending, please do!!! Thursday our place 7.05pm. Contact me.
OR, if you can't attend, please feel free to check out their stuff at http://www.pamperedchef.biz/pennyk?showId=2154346 until Aug 25 (when my "show" closes).
Will post pictures of the re-invigorated kitchen and family room soon.
Aug 6, 2009
"Jerry Maguire" to "Talladega Nights" - An Alphabet's worth
This weekend, lil'A had a little vomit episode. Poor girl. Seemed to be coming down with something.
Late Monday night, I had it and so did Rich. Dang it! Rich had to stay home from work for two days and today, he is working but from home. We don't want to pass this along.
I slept in the family room last night because I felt so brutal. When rich brought down lil'A so I could look after her, she was playing well in her "zone". I must have dozed off. I heard what I thought was lil'A playing with her toys and stacking them up. When I came to, I say DVD cases all over the "zone".
Of course, on pick-up, we counted the number she grabbed. It was about a quarter of our collection. It was 26 DVD's. Luckily we caught her before more than 2 were actually opened.
For Auntie Lindsay's sake, we had to put them back in alphabetical order since she helped get them that way in the first place.
BC Day Long Weekend at the Lake
We have had quite a bit of camping this summer. Less than half of it is over yet. Anyhow, Saturday is when we headed out to visit lil'A's g-parents and uncle Steve for a while before we headed up to Cultus Lake.
It was a great first day but lil'A was over-tired so it took quite a bit of work to get her to sleep in the Peapod inside the tent. We thought, this is great. She'll sleep for hours. RIGHT! Like duh! As if!
In the restaurant, lil'A was having the time of her life. Sharing Mummy and Daddy's food. She is a protein hog. If there is meat on the table, it's not there fore long. Mummy's bacon, Daddy's farmer's sausage.
With getting up so early and the sun and the swimming in the lake finally hit. For those of you that don't know the real details of lil'A may not know that she is most definitely NOT a cuddler. She is always wanting to see what's around. We were all dumb-struck when she just passed out via a quick cuddle on Rich's chest.
She was sleeping for well over an hour. Auntie June helped out with the sun by bringing over 2 umbrellas. Daddy got some ZZZ's too. These pictures were just too adorable. The camera was almost begging to be taken out of the bag.
Swimming was the order of the day earlier but as it got too hot, we had to get out. Sunscreen doesn't help on us really. SPF 60 means that I can stay in the sun for 1 minute before burning. I promise. As for lil'A, it's 30 secs.
At 5.30 AM, the screams start. We're in the middle of "Brassington Tent Town" with about 6 other tents. Couldn't get her back to sleep so off to walk her around the neighborhood. It was still too early when we got back from our stroll so we headed to the car to see if we could find a Smitty's restaurant. We fell in love with their breakfasts while in Osoyoos. Our GPS said one was in Abbotsford on Bakerview Street.
We get there and there is a Starbucks and Tim Horton's instead. We choose the Pantry next. Go down the road via the GPS directions and what do we find? No Pantry. But of course, a Tim Horton's and a Starbucks. UGH.
In between we came across a breakfast greasy spoon called CrossRoads. Before we when in, Rich noticed how clearly (or not clearly) we could see Mount Baker way in the distance. About 4 "layers" back. Thought this would make a great picture.

Instead of lake water, lil'A and cuzzy Owen had way more fun in just an inch of water in a mini backyard pool. She was cold, pruned, and blue lipped by the time we got her out but she was hot within minutes. Such a beautiful day.
Second night was great. No 5.30 AM alarm. 8 AM is more reasonable. Packed up and home by 2 PM. This was great since we all were coming down with something...
Jul 26, 2009
Camp A.B.C. (July 19-24)
This past week, Rich took time off so that we could go camping with my Mom (Gramma), niece (MaKayla), and nephew (Sebastien). We set up camping at Allouette Lake in Golden Ears Park. (North of Maple Ridge).
We took up our tent trailer and used the extra rooms and everything.
The kids were definitely having fun. However, Sebastien wasn't thrilled by the bugs, but we had to remind him constantly that they were there first and why worry, he wasn't getting bitten. None of us were. That didn't persuade Sebastien. He was so annoyed by them that he wanted to name the camp about bugs. So, came Camp A.B.C. Allouette Bug Camp. :)
Grandma (aka Miss Bev) and Grampa (aka Mr. Glen) came up for a visit. Immediately, MaKayla took to Mr. Glen. He took his two little girls out for a "wilderness walk". I was hiding in the trees with a telephoto lens.
Our Trip Gimli, MB for the Andersons' 40th Anniversary
On July 2nd, lil'A got to fly in a plane for the first time. We travelled to Winnipeg and then went north to Gimli to join in the celebrations for Rich's best friend & best man at our wedding, James' parents' 40th Anniversary. OK. I know that is a long connection but here is the shorter one that works for those of you that know us.
James' parents' celebrated their 40th Anniversary. Gramma Brenda and Grampa Ed are lil'A's GP-3s. (grand-parents 3). Nuf said.
A lot of firsts happened that weekend.
Seeing the Provincial BIRD of Manitoba. The MOSQUITO!!!!
Lil'A took her first dunks in the resorts pool. She's been in the water quite a bit but never dunked under. She was a little scared at first but then was fine. In fact, so fine, she kept trying to drink the water instead of blowing bubbles like we were trying to teach her. Good thing she's going to swimming lessons starting in September.
I hope to put up some camping photos from last week as well today. I'm trying to catch up... slowly.
Jun 27, 2009
Fah-shun-knee-stah - Ready for the Rain
Jun 11, 2009
I'm slow these days
I may be slow on my blog but it's only because lil'A is getting faster and faster.
Some things we've experienced lately:
- yes walking, no I mean RUNNING
- crawls at the speed of light
- made new friends: Avery, Heather, Frankie, Charlie, Cole and many others
- says a few words quite clearly. of course mamma and daddy, but others too: kitty, shoe, shoes, wawa for water, pretty, down, up
- she knows the meaning of: sit down, sit up, lay down, let's go, pooh-bear, book, drink, eat, ta-ta mommy, and in the toy box. She talks so much and I have no idea what she's saying but I am trying to grab a new one every day or two.
- sprinklers and sprayers outside are Da'Bomb!
I've gotta take some time off now to get my things in order. I've been a little out in the ether lately and I need to get back to earth.
May 20, 2009
Concert June 6 - American Sampler
Last year, the Richmond Orchestra & Chorus Association did a final concert called Glorious and Free (all Canadian works) so this year, it only makes sense that with this inspiring year in the USA with the voting in of a new President, that ROCA is doing an American themed "American Sampler".

This is a one-time concert with both the Chorus and the Orchestra together.
I'm very excited personally as I have the privilege to sing 2 solos. Not as long as the one at Christmas but both are polar opposites.
The whole concert is like that: Route 66 to Georgia on my Mind to Bridge Over Troubled Water, to Porgy and Bess. You get the drift.
We are also doing a silent auction that I'm providing at least 2 items to. I would love to have family and friends in the audience for this since I'm singing solo. Please let me know ASAP if you are interested in attending. I can get tickets for you directly. Even if I don't see you beforehand, I can get them set up at "Will Call".
This will be a much more "fun" concert than many of our others. Come and enjoy.
May 18, 2009
Our Newest Addition Arrives this weekend
Well, we did it. We have figured out lately that the Outback is just not going to take us through lil'A's stages. When we travel along with her, both of our stuff still isn't half of what we need to take for her.
We've been doing a lot of homework these days (both types) about transportation and what would best suit our lifestyle.
We decided on a Toyota Highlander Hybrid.
Richard's cousin is actually a product advisor at Open Road Toyota Port Moody.
He took a lot of time anwering all of our (well, my) questions. We each got to take a great test drive around part of my childhood stomping ground. (Up Thermal, over Como Lake, down Gatensbury).
We decided to get our ducks in a row (while lil'A was playing with the ducks at the lake - maybe not ducks) and get our research put in to action.
Mitch helped us through the steps almost effortlessly. And here it is:
Lil'A's LIMO!!!!
May 6, 2009
Latest Update on My Mom's Progress
Mom called this morning at 10am. She already had been moved. WOW! By the way, it WAS a full hip replacement, not a revision as originally expected.
Anyway, she's at Holy Family hospital at 62nd and Argyle (2 blocks east of Knight Street).
It is a rehabilitation centre and for hip and knee surgery, it is estimated that she will be there for 2 to 3 weeks. I've relieved that she will actually take some time for herself and use it as "respite". She so on the go that I think she should rest and get better.
She does have her cellphone with her and can take calls. If you call and she doesn't pick up, just leave a message. She'll call you back. Her number is 778.896.0193.
May 5, 2009
Stop the Presses! Guess Who Took Her First Steps with Daddy there!!!!
I had the wonderful experience of having lil'A taking her first steps on May Day but Daddy was closing a door. So, for Daddy it didn't count, although he totally believed it.
Last night, just before bed, lil'A was extremely tired but we thought we would try to show daddy. In order to get her parents off her back, she took 3 steps so Daddy would be ecstatic before bed.
He was so not disappointed.
She's not at the stage of forgetting she's not hanging on and just walking but that day is just around the corner. Uh Oh.... Next thing REAL WALKING. Break out the safety equipment.
May 4, 2009
Latest Status on Mom (aka lil'A's Gramma)
Talked to Mom today and it turns out that the Occupational Therapist and Physiotherapist both agree that Mom needs a little more time to recuperate before coming home.
For those that know my Mom, this is NOT what she wants. She wants to go home. She's been away from her home for 3 weeks or so. She was in Calgary just before going to VGH.
The plan is that she will be moved to Holy Family Hospital (Argyle/62nd St), just two blocks east of Knight Street.
It is not yet known when she will be transferred. Not today is for sure. Possibly tomorrow. Will let you know when she is moved.
In any event, she does have her cell phone and would love to talk to friends and family. Her cell is 778.896.0193.
May 2, 2009
Something New - Please Spread the Word
I've started a cottage business to just help out a little around the house. Well sort of... I've joined a Canadian Online Company.
Since I'm not working at SAP/Business Objects/Crystal anymore, I felt the need to help out with the family income, even if it's just a small way. Plus, it makes me feel a little more sane with a toddler going zoom zoom and yak yak round the clock.
So, I decided to work with people like myself, moms.... labeling kids stuff so it doesn't get lost, and don't all moms want that?!?!?!?!
The company is called Lovable Labels.

Since I'm not working at SAP/Business Objects/Crystal anymore, I felt the need to help out with the family income, even if it's just a small way. Plus, it makes me feel a little more sane with a toddler going zoom zoom and yak yak round the clock.
So, I decided to work with people like myself, moms.... labeling kids stuff so it doesn't get lost, and don't all moms want that?!?!?!?!
The company is called Lovable Labels.

At this time of year, parents are getting kids signed up for various camps and activities over the summer. Perhaps this would interest you in particular - a camping label package.
Please take a look at it and all of the other possibilities on the site; be imaginative as well.
These labels are not limited to kids stuff. Slimline labels could be used to advertise, make "made by Gramma" labels, spelling kids names correctly if they have unique spellings - I kinda know about that. :)
Check out my site (link about on the pic) and let me know what you think.
If you have questions about how they might be useful to you and/or your friends/family.
My email addy for this is kat@lovablelabels.ca
Please take a look at it and all of the other possibilities on the site; be imaginative as well.
These labels are not limited to kids stuff. Slimline labels could be used to advertise, make "made by Gramma" labels, spelling kids names correctly if they have unique spellings - I kinda know about that. :)
Check out my site (link about on the pic) and let me know what you think.
If you have questions about how they might be useful to you and/or your friends/family.
My email addy for this is kat@lovablelabels.ca
Apr 29, 2009
What a Week It's Been for the Hunts
WOW! I don't think I can make this into a story so point form it is:
- My sister-in-law Jodi went to the ER last Wednesday with abdominal pain and was admitted.
- Mom (Gramma) went to Calgary on Saturday to take care of the kids while Jodi was in the hospital and my brother Mark who does shift-type work (or something like that).
- Jodi has abdominal surgery pretty much at the same time as Mark was picking up my Mom at the airport.
- Jodi stayed in the hospital to rest until this Saturday.
- Saturday evening sometime, Mom "wrecked" her hip.
- Called (as with every other day to Calgary while Mom was there) on Sunday mid-day to see how things are going. Mom says, "Jodi is home and btw, I wrecked my hip, I think". And all I can say is "And WHY am I talking to you right now???? Why are you not at the hospital???" Next thing, Jodi calls to say she went.
- Mom was back in Vancouver on the same day and straight to VGH. Admitted in the wee hours of the morning - Thanks so much to Michelle and David for 24 hours of PURE patience and help!
- Our friend Imelda was returning from Rome via London on Sunday but she never arrived. Missed her flight (but that info was on Mom's answering machine which we couldn't access). Went back the next day to pick up up and to give her the play-by-play of the Mom situ.
- Mom is getting emergency hip surgery tomorrow afternoon sometime.
On a completely DIFFERENT note... I now am an agent for Lovable Labels. It's a Canadian company that specializes in keeping kids' belongings with the kids by labelling them in cool ways.
Check out my site at http://kat.lovablelabels.ca
Apr 28, 2009
Our Little Family - Animated...
My friend Sheryl has had this really cute family stick-fig pic and I have since wanted to do the same thing for us. I found the site in no time. What fun it was to create our stick-figure family.

Thanks Sheryl for doing this first. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery/friendship that I know.
Here is a preview of our little fam.

We have been a little out of sorts of late. Lil'A has been under the weather.
Also, we've been dealing with Mom having her hip blow out. She's now having her surgery on Thursday. Please keep her in your thoughts.
She's at VGH and has her cell phone to talk to you. Apparently cells are now allowed in hospitals. Who knew?!?
If you need any more info on Mom, please just give me a call.
Apr 27, 2009
Please Subscribe to my Blog
If you want to keep up to date on my blog (which I hope to update even more frequently), there is an option at the bottom of the right-hand colum on this blog.
It is a link called "Atom". Apparently, it allows you to get emails when my blog changes. Perhaps that will help some of you to get the updates when they arrive.
Apr 21, 2009
Lil'A stands on her own for the first time
At 13 months, lil'A decided that today would be the day to stand on her own two feet. Not only that but for the camera as well. That is the TRULY amazing part. :) She's actually been standing for about a month but only when she's not thinking about it. When she shuffles things between her hands and stuff like that. When I've tried to get her to stand with my encouragement, she just wobbles then sits.
Until today...
Apr 20, 2009
The Wind-swept Look - Fashionistas WATCH OUT!
We had been out for dinner and for fun, we started playing fan with the menu while we were waiting. Lil'A had a blast. She loved it so much, we just kept playing. Even when we got home.
That day, we played with the water sprayer that Mummy uses for her hair. We then put about 4 drops of curl "helper" product and had fun. She does have curls. Her hair is just too fine right now. If she uses a teardrop of product, it just wavy curls.
Mummy is holding a big envelope to "windify" the pics...
Our gal just had so much fun. It's so seldom where we get her to face the camera. I was so proud that I had to kiss'er.

And then.... the unexpected reciprocal kiss! Daddy even got it on camera.
Apr 15, 2009
Springtime in the Park
We are very luck in so many ways here in Steveston. One of the best things now that lil'A is here is that we have a green-way right across the street from us. We call it "our park".
I had her sit pretty on a pink blanket for a pic of two but she would have none of it. As soon as I stood up and picked up the camera, she was off like a rocket.

She did sit dow for a mo' or too. This shot quite amazed me. She doesn't like our SLR camera because she can't see my face. I must have made a strange sound (will not elaborate) to get her to smile, let alone do the "I did it!" sign she does.
She was just in her element here. Grass, room to roam and a dress, shoes, and frilly-bummed nylons to get nice and green. Well, what ELSE is a girl SUPPOSED to do? I ask you...
She kept following my shadow. It seems to be her thing right now. especially in the stroller when we go out "on the village".
Sitting still... Wow. I guess she finally caught up with her shadow. I decided to take some "interpretive" shots or whatever you'd call them on the angles. I actually think this one is quite cute. It shows off her ballet slippers too.
When I said "Time to go", she immediately started out for the house. I had to get my bag, her blanket etc... By the time I caught up with her, she was half-way home. Can she ever MOVE...
There are many different blooming trees in the park so I decided to take lil'A out for a "photo shoot), Yeah, like I'm a photographer.... Not. But I try...
There were some cherry trees blooming (background) while others (foreground) come out in May. It's a white one. Not sure why white cherry trees blossom later but they seem to; at least in Steveston.
Since it was cherry blossom season and as Rich pointed out, the Japanese come HERE for the cherry blossom festival now, I thought it appropriate for a dress-up shoot in lil'A's cherry blossom dress.
Happy Easter'ish Everyone (belated is what I mean by "ish").
Apr 9, 2009
Easter Week - Sing Sing Sing
I'm so glad my voice finally came back after a month or so. Our director down at the Cathedral wanted to make sure I was going to be able to make it to the services as she wanted me to sing a small solo. She really wanted a promise. So I gave it.
The next week I found my name in the local Catholic paper saying I was singing the solo. It's 3 lines!!!! That's it. But I laugh every time she does this.
So, today is that day. The Last Supper mass. I'm sure it will be a lot of pomp and circumstance. Even more that Easter Sunday.
Lil'A is going to wear her Easter best. She got a really cute dress that is just perfect from Rich's parents for her birthday. Of course, a bonnet too from Nan and Great-Auntie Sheila.
I'm still trying to figure out what to do as a cottage type job...
First thing I did was to add the Google Search bar under my Kool K@ Nip title. Please use it if you can.
Then, I added "AdSense". It's the two ads that appear under the search bar. It looks through my content and tries to come up with appropriate ads that the readers might be interested. Again, please click if you find something interesting. Or even if you don't. :)
Then, there is the idea about getting into becoming an on-line agent for LovableLabels. I have done some digging into their product line and have found some really cool things; not just for kids stuff:
- Made by... labels (iron-on and others) you can imagine "Made by Gramma" and the like
- Household labels (herb labels, pantry labels, file folder labels, book labels/DVDs etc...
- Camp packs for little campers who may lose stuff
- Bag tags. Could be changed from kid stuff to more like luggage tags.
- Personalize notes, cards, contact cards
- Classroom/Daycare/Teachers aids
- Bathroom labels
It's labeling galore. For reasonable prices. All-Canadian company. Would you be interested in purchasing if I became an agent? Please let me know.
I'm still considering the idea of Medical Transcription. With our reduced income and lil'A's needs being met, it may not work out. I have a friend that is doing it and is very quickly getting through it. However, her girls a little older.
Any thoughts on any of this? I'm looking for some guidance. Email me, call me, or contact me on Facebook.
I just got pics of lil'A's b'day. I will be putting them up soon. Got a couple of other things on the go this week...
Apr 7, 2009
Things have been fun around here, but I keep forgetting to take pictures. DOH.
This morning I remembered the camera for our little peek-a-boo game. It was hilarious. She "hid" behind the well-holled (or holy?) super-yard. Then she would pop-up and smile big-time.
Of course, not before trying to grab the camera.
As a result of my voice returning, Easter Week is a busy week. Thursday is the Last Supper Mass. Lots of pagentry and I have a solo that was even mentioned in the BC Catholic. Funny, it's not much of a solo but apparently it's in there. :)
Holy Thursday is great for music. If you're interested in attending, it's at Holy Rosary at 7.30. Sunday's Easter Service is at 9.30.
Apr 2, 2009
Not Much to write about today
I've been so busy with lil'A as well as trying to shake off the monkey on my back cough/cold that I've really not got much on my mind.
Saturday is a special day to me. It's the day that Rich proposed in London. If you want the details, check out Engagements before Weddings in my archives. It marks the new beginning that we're both now enjoying thoroughly.
No cute pics of late. But here are some of my random thoughts/stuff over the past week or 2:
- If I haven't responded to any email you sent, I apologize. My laptop had to go in for repairs, On to week 2 now. Might be another week. My emails are saved on that machine. Only new emails can I get now that I'm the iMacs in the den. I miss my wireless access laptop.
- I'm thinking of becoming an agent for http://www.lovablelabels.ca. I know lots of mommies who would potentially purchases these types of things and perhaps so of you g-parents or even teachers for their students. If you would purchase this kind of stuff (similar to an Avon or Tupperware Rep), please let me know.
- I'm officially unemployed. I turned in my resignation to SAP effective March 16. No more EI. I'm now officially a drain on my husband. :) I'm finished with the software development market. I miss my colleagues and friends but I see them outside the office anyway. It was time for me to move on. I need a change in a big way. Well, there IS motherhood but I mean career-wise. Hence...
- A friend of mine (former co-worker) put up pics of us when we in a band at work for our Christmas party in '03 I think. They are on facebook. Have a laugh.
- I'm still considering training to become a Medical Transcriptionist from a company called Canscribe. It's funny. The school is in Lake Country BC. The gal knows Camp Arbuckle. Small World. Anyway, I would do the courses online. Have a friend that just started and is impressed so far. It takes about a year to get certified.
- Oh yeah, not sure if everyone knows but lil'A is not so "lil" any more. She's now a 1 year- old. I can't believe it. She's a complete riot to be around. Trying to walk right now.
Saturday is a special day to me. It's the day that Rich proposed in London. If you want the details, check out Engagements before Weddings in my archives. It marks the new beginning that we're both now enjoying thoroughly.
Mar 31, 2009
Sick Sicky
No blog for a while cuz I've been really sick with a nasty cough and stomach issues (more recently). Kidlet is behaving rather strangely too.
Need to focus on getting better. More to come soon - hopefully. Thanks keeping tabs. :)
Mar 16, 2009
Today and What Could Have Been
Yesterday was our girl lil'A's birthday. Her big #1. We had a nice family party for her. Waiting for all the photos to come in to show you. Not today unfortunately.
But, today..... What is today....
It could have been one of two things. Either our great days here at home having fun with our furry friends named Goldie, Hipster, Bipster, Ty, and Pooh-bear and be off EI..... OR back to the usual grind at the office after a 15 month hiatus.
Well the choice was clear pretty much from the beginning - once I was sleeping through the night.
EI has ended and I am now unemployed. But I also have other titles:
But, today..... What is today....
It could have been one of two things. Either our great days here at home having fun with our furry friends named Goldie, Hipster, Bipster, Ty, and Pooh-bear and be off EI..... OR back to the usual grind at the office after a 15 month hiatus.
Well the choice was clear pretty much from the beginning - once I was sleeping through the night.
EI has ended and I am now unemployed. But I also have other titles:
- Unemployed (as mentioned above)
- Stay at Home Mom
- Housewife
- Mummy (the most important of them all)
I never would have guessed about 5.5 years ago this would be my life. If Richard hadn't started a single email thread and then asked me about Paris at a Christmas send-off dinner this never would have happened. The thing that sealed the deal was after our corporate Christmas party that I sang at (with a fake nose pierce - which he thought looked "goooood"), he walked me all the way home to Yaletown in the rain and then walked himself all the Coal Harbour at 2.30 in the morning.
- Stay at Home Mom
- Housewife
- Mummy (the most important of them all)
I never would have guessed about 5.5 years ago this would be my life. If Richard hadn't started a single email thread and then asked me about Paris at a Christmas send-off dinner this never would have happened. The thing that sealed the deal was after our corporate Christmas party that I sang at (with a fake nose pierce - which he thought looked "goooood"), he walked me all the way home to Yaletown in the rain and then walked himself all the Coal Harbour at 2.30 in the morning.
I thought I would be a lady of independent means for a long time. Yaletown chick as we used to joke. But no more. Now I've got the best job I could ever imagine. Being married to my true soul-mate and having the best opportunity to play and learn with our little miracle.
This is definitely a day of thanksgiving,
Mar 9, 2009
Busy Weekend for a Little Girl
We have been dealing with colds and flu and the little this weekend but Angela seemed just fine (has cold though).
Auntie Michelle and Uncle David asked if Angela could stay the night on Saturday night. So, we got to test our Peapod theory about her sleeping anywhere. Seemed to have worked.
The time change did affect her schedule. We are definitely now dealing with shorter naps and a very tired kid all the time.
Anyway... that didn't stop her.
Next, it was off to the races. Giddy-Up.

Friends of ours from work asked if wanted to take this rocking horse. Their little girl has grown out of it so we said "Yes, Please". She ROCKS!
Then, the Snowy Monday. In her snowsuit, we call her the "Stay-Pinked Marshmallow Girl".
Auntie Michelle and Uncle David asked if Angela could stay the night on Saturday night. So, we got to test our Peapod theory about her sleeping anywhere. Seemed to have worked.
The time change did affect her schedule. We are definitely now dealing with shorter naps and a very tired kid all the time.
Anyway... that didn't stop her.
Next, it was off to the races. Giddy-Up.
Friends of ours from work asked if wanted to take this rocking horse. Their little girl has grown out of it so we said "Yes, Please". She ROCKS!
Then, the Snowy Monday. In her snowsuit, we call her the "Stay-Pinked Marshmallow Girl".
Mar 8, 2009
We're Starting Music Lessons Early
Over the holidays, my Mom (aka Gramma) brought over our old Fisher-Price drum set. It's amazing how well that toy (and a few other FP's) have survived over 30 years.
Angela has taken to them really well. Just before this was shot, she had both cymbals and was using them correctly. By the time I got the camera, it was on to the tamborine.

And then came the drum sticks. Now need to play them on the drum. The toy box is bigger and so much louder.
And she likes to sing while playing. Phil Collins wannabe perhaps.

It's ironic. We have Guitar Hero World Tour here at the house. That means, 1 guitar (Richard), 1 bass (Kat), vocals, and drums. Drums are toughest of the bunch.
Angela has taken to them really well. Just before this was shot, she had both cymbals and was using them correctly. By the time I got the camera, it was on to the tamborine.
And then came the drum sticks. Now need to play them on the drum. The toy box is bigger and so much louder.
It's ironic. We have Guitar Hero World Tour here at the house. That means, 1 guitar (Richard), 1 bass (Kat), vocals, and drums. Drums are toughest of the bunch.
It looks like both other positions for our band (BinHex) have been filled. No one else need apply.
Rock On Sista!
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