Jan 16, 2006

When It Rains...

No. This has NOTHING to do with the rainy weather or the record-breaking stuff that Vancouverites have been wondering about lately. This is about my work life. YES I'M WORKING!!!

It's been 3 months since I left the only real job I've ever known. With Christmas over, I had a couple of requests from former co-workers who need my expertise as a report designer. I decided to take on just one contract for the beginning of the month.

As soon as I took the first one, I got three more. Would you believe I have been working full-time since the first week of the month. I'm on my fourth contract and I'm getting good money.

Tomorrow I head to Langley for 3 days of work.

I even got an email from my former boss - who left BOBJ before I did - asking if I want to work with his company. HM... VERY INTERESTING.

I hear a thunderclap. The rain is POURING down.

Jan 4, 2006

I'm still alive. I promise!

Hi all. I know it's been a VERY long time since I've updated my blog but I'm sure most of you know that we've been incredibly busy.

Just to name a few things that have happened in the past 90 days:
- Laid off work
- Had a few wedding showers, stag/staggette parties
- Got married
- Gift Opening at the new house
- Sang in a concert the week after the wedding
- Moved 2 people (separately) into the new house
- Went over to the island for a few days
- Went to Fiji and Australia for honeymoon (heard about our niece Makayla's birth while there - Welcome to the world!)
- Sang in another 2 concerts the next two days after returning from Fiji and Australia. (Imagine the state of my voice!)
- Did an itty bitty contract job (42 minutes to create a report - then had to explain it for 90 minutes)
- Hosted a Pre-Christmas dinner party for 10 at our humble abode. (Had to decorate of course)
- Celebrated Christmas with family and friends at 4 different locations on Christmas day.
- Left on a 6am bus to Kimberley on Boxing Day - returned the morning of New Years Eve.
- Cruise around English Bay for New Years.
- Started a new contract job (probably about 2 weeks worth) just yesterday

Well, that's just at a glance what we've been up to. I apologize for not being more responsive. I am trying to keep this resolution. So far so good. Week 1 is now in the bag. :)

Happy New Year!