Apr 14, 2008

Sticking Out Tongues and Talking with "Peri" the Parrot

Angela is a month old now (well 30 days officially today). She is showing her own personality more and more each and every day.

Before 4 weeks, I made it my mission to teach her something. Mimicry is the only thing they can do at the moment so I decided to teach her to stick out her tongue when I do that to her. Now I think she thinks it's a form of greeting. :-P

Gran Webster made a parrot stuffed animal for Angela that we introduced to her this weekend. She is completely taken by "Peri" the parrot. She seems to talk to him when she's in the crib and we place the toy next to the bed. She is entranced by the bright colours (high contrast).

It's great that she stares at the toy during changings. So much better than the cries.
Contact seems likely.

Contact is right around the corner (literally). She is so close to turning over. She just needs to figure out to get her foot over and then all bets are off.

I wish I had a shot of her sticking her tongue out at to the parrot but unfortunately, I missed it. But it was OH SO CUTE!


BTW, apologies to Gramma Hunt (my Mom). Apparently, I misspelled "Gramma" on my last post. This is the corrected spelling so I'm told. :) I say no more than "I stand corrected".

Also, I'm happy to report that my doc called today and said they received the results of the CT scan that was run last week on me. Although they didn't get to see the lungs completely clearly (ugh), the good news is that they didn't find an embolism. I kinda figured they wouldn't (a week and a half after the Emergency visit) but it good news just the same. Thanks to everyone for the good thoughts. Still not 100% but I'm making strides.

I'm taking the year off (1 month in already - PHEW) so if you're wanting to come by and see our little girly girl, just give us a call.

Apr 7, 2008

Angela Grace - More Pictures

I know a lot of you have been waiting for more pictures of our little star. The past 3 weeks have been very busy with Richard taking time off. We've prioritized actually enjoying family time.

Richard went back to work today so I thought I'd post a few shots. Enjoy!

Tummy Time with Mummy. Gotta make sure to get her off the back of her head. Would hate to have her end up with the flat back of the head issue. Tummy Time helps with that.

After bath-time. Wrapped up in her Froggy towel.

More Tummy Time. This time with Daddy.

The girls visiting (including Packers) with Grandma.

Gran visiting. Picture with her new handmade teddy bear from Gran.

A week old. Big visit day on Easter Sunday. Wearing bunnies of course.

More bunnies. 5 days old.

Rocking/Vibra Chair time. Thanks to Rich's co-workers at BOBJ-SAP for this gift! A true help with crying baby time.

Time out while on Vacation. Angela is taking a nap and Packers is on guard.

Walk-about in Steveston. Angela LOVES off-roading. Hence the big-wheel stroller.