Mar 19, 2008

Rascal Becomes Our Angel'A'

I know it's been a week since I last blogged for the rest of you but it's been like a day for me. Sleep? What sleep? :) just kidding.

Without further ado, let's get to the nitty-gritty shall we?

On Saturday March 15th at 4.10 pm, Angela Grace Webster was born at St. Paul's Hospital. 8lbs, 1oz and pretty tall like her Dad. Proud Papa Richard has been learning lots and so has our "Little Sweetie-Cutie". She recognizes Richard's voice and follows his voice around the room with her eyes. She loves her Daddy. Definitely "Daddy's Little Angel".

Although Angela and Daddy recuped perfectly, I was dealing with some issues post-labour. They kept us a little longer than is usual so that I could be really ready for coming home.

Angela finally saw her home from the outside of my belly for the first time on Tuesday at 3pm. Packers the cat couldn't be more proud.

More pics and news as we get more time to update everyone. Now that we're home, things should be getting there soon.

Mar 10, 2008

Still Pregnant but not by week's end

It's official, if this little rascal doesn't feel like coming out on its own by Thursday, I'm being induced at St. Paul's. My stats are starting to be a concern so they're taking no chances (blood pressure type stuff).

I'm as big as a tank right now and am exhausted. My stomach is pushed up into my lungs so I have no urge to eat (and even if I did, the heartburn is unbearable). Everything you see in my mid-section is baby.

I will try to blog from the hospital but can't promise anything. Wish us luck. Soon you'll all know (along with us) if Rascal is male or female.