Feb 14, 2011

WOW! I Had Forgotten About the Glass

I know these posts are going to seem boring and dumb and the like but the only way I think I will accomplish the goal is to document it. Help me! Read!

OK. Day #1 of my Clean-Up/Organize Quest.

RECAP: This week is the Dining Room. 6 tasks by end of week:
  1. Camera Equipment
  2. Travel Stuff
  3. Music
  4. Bar
  5. Party Platters
  6. Recycling
SO. How did I do today? All of the camera equipment (other locations as well) have been put into the middle drawer of the filing cabinet. Camera, tripod, extra lenses, portfolio book and bag. (Well, the bag is next to the cabinet but close enough).

You end up doing multiple tasks at once but I have finished the camera task. Recycling went far. DID YOU KNOW THAT OUR DINING ROOM TABLE IS MADE OF GLASS??? It's the first time in a long time we've seen it. JK. I knew but it still can be surprising.

Feb 13, 2011

BIG GOAL -> small tasks

Our house is rather large for a family of 3. It was even bigger when it was just the 2 of us.

I've been trying to keep up with the clutter since we moved here but I have been failing miserably. Since Angie came, it's gotten worse. I swear, every time I clean one pile, two are created in place.

So, it's my 37th birthday and a month before Angie's 3rd birthday. We want to have some people over for a party (no plans yet though). That means we have a month to get things complete.

We bought a filing cabinet to handle some of our paper but it's not the paper that's the problem. UGH

Sorted hand-me-downs from under and somewhat on the dining room table.

The Dining Room is my first attempt. By the end of the week, on school days, I will work on putting away:
  • Camera equipment
  • Travel equipment
  • Music
  • Bar organized
  • Party platters etc...
  • recycling (large boxes for outdoor angel and filing cabinet)
I get 2.5 days to myself this week (about). I'm hoping I can psych up to get a good over/under score.

Wish me luck.