Nov 28, 2006

Negative Temperatures But No Gas For Warmth

It started yesterday while I was doing my Christmas baking. The oven made this kind of low whistle sound. There appeared to be more of a whiff of gas smell even though the stove was lit so I made sure things were well ventilated. I was successful in getting my first batch of shortbread done thankfully.

Then later, we checked around dinner when I wanted to bake the second batch. I turned on the oven to 350F but it just stayed at 100F. We checked to see if we could get the stovetop to work and it would barely light. Definitely not much gas getting through. However, our gas fireplace in the family room's pilot light was going so well that you could hear it. Kinda scary. We turned off the pilot for the fireplace and then "bingo" the stove worked. We got the cookies made. Dinner was made on the BBQ and boy was it good. :)

This morning is like any other morning. The alarm goes off and then Rich gets up to have a shower. I fall back asleep. 20 minutes later (I guess) Rich comes back in the bedroom to tell me there is no hot water either. We get downstairs and the floors are not keeping their heat either. We have a general "LACK" of gas here at the house.

I admit, this is making me pretty anxious as I have to go to the Interior for Thursday and Friday for work and then we have a wee party in the works for Saturday. It won't be much fun if we can't serve anything hot or even heat the darn house! Can you imagine?!?! "Hi, welcome to our home. Please take this blanket and these slippers to wear to stay warm while you're here as we have no heat".

And just my luck (I can't speak for Rich's) but it's happening just as the temperatures dip to the negative double digits.

Well, Terasen has been called but since it's not truly an emergency (no smell of gas or anything), we're not high on the priority list.

Negative Temperatures But No Gas For Warmth

It started yesterday while I was doing my Christmas baking.  The oven made this kind of low whistle sound.  There appeared to be more of a whiff of gas smell even though the stove was lit so I made sure things were well ventilated.  I was successful in getting my first batch of shortbread done thankfully.

Then later, we checked around dinner when I wanted to bake the second batch.  I turned on the oven to 350F but it just stayed at 100F.  We checked to see if we could get the stovetop to work and it would barely light.  Definitely not much gas getting through.  However, our gas fireplace in the family room's pilot light was going so well that you could hear it.  Kinda scary.  We turned off the pilot for the fireplace and then "bingo" the stove worked.  We got the cookies made.  Dinner was made on the BBQ and boy was it good.  :)

This morning is like any other morning.  The alarm goes off and then Rich gets up to have a shower.  I fall back asleep.  20 minutes later (I guess) Rich comes back in the bedroom to tell me there is no hot water either.  We get downstairs and the floors are not keeping their heat either.  We have a general "LACK" of gas here at the house.

I admit, this is making me pretty anxious as I have to go to the Interior for Thursday and Friday for work and then we have a wee party in the works for Saturday.   It won't be much fun if we can't serve anything hot or even heat the darn house!  Can you imagine?!?!  "Hi, welcome to our home.  Please take this blanket and these slippers to wear to stay warm while you're here as we have no heat".

And just my luck (I can't speak for Rich's) but it's happening just as the temperatures dip to the negative double digits.

Well, Terasen has been called but since it's not truly an emergency (no smell of gas or anything), we're not high on the priority list.

Nov 26, 2006

Snow in Steveston

It's been snowing now for more than 24 hours here in Steveston. It's been very interesting. We're so far south and so close to the water I never thought we'd see this much snow.

We had already planned on a BBQ for dinner so check out Rich in his adventures outside getting ready to cook.

We don't think that the bamboo in our back yard was meant to have snow on it. It's too bad that the snow won't kill it though. It's a very aggressive form of weed in our eyes but it looks exotic. :)

Sunday morning and this is what the view is south from the front of the house.

Check out the three kids in the green-way across from us. they built a small snow-blind that they are calling "Helm's Deep" from the Lord of the Rings. SO strange. We had just watched it again last night (that particular part actually).

Nov 24, 2006

Pumpkin Carving @ Casa del Webster

I was not able to celebrate Halloween with Richard as I was on the road that week. Trust me when I say that Halloween in Washington DC is boring!

Before I left, Rich and I worked on two pumpkins.

Scary Friends

Pirate Guy

After I left, Rich did one more. It may be hard to get (due to flash issues) but it's a haunted house (with bats flying around).

Haunted House

Nov 15, 2006

Richard & Packers And Their Blankets

Well, I've taken up crocheting as a hobby these days. I know that sounds really boring but it's keeping my hands really busy. I'm learning some interesting techniques and making some interesting items (mostly of the square/rectanglish variety).

I decided to make a TV blanket for Rich as one of my first projects. A TV blanket is a long and thin blanket that doesn't get all bulky on the sides. Kind of like a twin blanket.

When I got to the end of the blanket (it was FINALLY long enough for "tall dark-haired & handsome", I end up with a little yarn left over. Just enough to make a little blankie for Packers as well.

She actually keeps it on when we sit down at night to watch TV. It's extra funny when she gets up and runs off. The blanket keeps on her back thanks to her tail. We have to go searching for it every once in a while.

Yes. I'm moving into other shapes but it's a slow process. I've given away one baby blanket already.

On a completely separate note... Fa la la la la.... Richmond Chorus is doing the Christmas Concert thing again this year. We have two concerts for you to choose from.

  • Monday December 11 @ 8pm at All Saints in Ladner - 4755 Arthur Drive (10$ tix)
  • Tuesday December 12 @ 7.30pm at Richmond Alliance Church - 11371 No. 3 Rd (18$ tix for adults)

For more info, please contact me or check the website at

Also, if you're interested in a truly UNIQUE Christmas music CD, the chorus has just released its first CD. Let me know if you're interested in purchasing one. They should be available for purchase at the concerts as well.

Nov 4, 2006

User Conference Presentations - The San Francisco Treat

I'm now in the second week of my two week roadshow work. Luckily it's all in one place. I get to actually UNPACK!!!! I'm presenting 8 times tomorrow (Sunday). My voice is STILL gone. I hope I don't have another coughing attack. I even have to answer questions during lunch. Monday to Wednesday, I sit in the "Developer Zone" filled with white boards and sofas and answer even MORE questions. Let's see how it all goes.

If you are reading this on Sunday and would like to go to the concert that I had to miss, it's at 3pm at Riverview. It will be a really good classical orchestra and choral concert. I'm really sorry to be missing it.