Feb 21, 2008

Baby - 2 Weeks so they say

Personally, anytime now would be nice. I'm as big as a tank and getting of the the sofa is a big exercise.

One more ultrasound left. UGH! Mom has been great. She's been driving me around to doctor appt's and the like cuz I don't fit easily behind the wheel.

We've already got a stroller and playard/bassinet. Some people have been asking about our registry. We are registered at http://www.toysrus.ca/registry/index.jsp (under both of our names). It's not much on there cuz I was exhausted. We promise to go back and add more stuff.

Time for me to do laundry and then take a nap.

Thanks for all your good thoughts for our family.

Feb 12, 2008

It Always Rains on Feb 12

Woke up this morning and it was raining. That's how I knew it was my b'day. I don't remember a year when it didn't rain. Otherwise, it doesn't feel like a birthday. Been a little pre-occupied with the unknown birthday of Rascal.

Thanks to everyone who has called or written or fun-walled me to wish me well today.

One month and 2 days until B-day (assuming, on time delivery of course).