Oct 25, 2006

No Longer Newlyweds!

Well, that's it. Rich and I have been married a year.

We decided to take a 4 day long weekend up in Osoyoos to celebrate and this time we didn't camp. We couldn't even if we wanted to. The Park was closed. Strange!

Anyway, we stayed at the brand new Spirit Ridge Resort at the Nk'Mip winery. It was great! Beautiful views!

If you are a chocolate lover like me, you absolutely MUST go to their restaurant "PassaTempo" and have their Chocolate Plate for dessert. I won't go into detail but you all know how much I love good chocolate. Well, this dessert has blown everything I've ever tried out of the water. It's simple and DEVINE and only 12$!!!!

Well, I'm working at the Business Objects offices today as I'm gearing up for my big roadtrip with them. I leave on Sunday. I present the same 2 presentations 4 times in 4 days in 4 different cities. Panel discussions, lunches while answering questions and other things too. Boston, NYC, Washington DC, and then finally Chicago.

I return Thursday night to get ready for the user conference that starts Sunday. Back to the office on Friday to deal with last minute details for the next conference. Then, presentations on sunday as well as panel discussions and manning the "campground" where I sit and wait for people to ask me questions and I also "blog" my adventures on their website.

Anyway, I've got to run and start my dry-run presentation. Cheers for now.

1 comment:

Amy said...

I wondered where you were...
happy anni!
I take it you arn't singing Hayden with us???????