Dec 24, 2006

2.5 Hours until Christmas and I have NO VOICE!!!

This past week has been insane for singing and I've gotten some sort of cold or flu from Rich I think. I've been exhausted and white as a ghost all week. People are noticing too. I was out caroling with the Richmond Chorus on Friday and our director was asking "wud-up".

I've definitely done my share of singing for December this year but I'm not close to done. Today was the last Sunday of Advent and then tomorrow is Christmas Day.

Although normally I'm a tenor in the women's choir at Holy Rosary (9.30am) for Christmas Day, there tends to be a lot of "Angellic" high voice (descant) parts. Usually 1 tenor, 1 alto and 1 soprano are taken to do this high part. Guess it's supposedly to keep it even for the other parts. Funny thing is, those of us chosen (the 3) happen to be some of the most confident (leaders, strong, blenders) voices in the choir of 15. We can sometime (in rehearsal) silence the rest of the choir so that the other sections can't here themselves. hehehe. Of course, we don't allow that to happen at Mass.

Anyway, I'm trying to get my voice back so I can actually sing the descants tomorrow. I'm coughing a lot but nothing seems to be getting better. I'll keep trying the herbal tea.

Tomorrow will be a little less active than in previous years for Rich and I. We go to mass in the morning, over to my mom's after mass (David & Michelle are in Halifax and Mark, Jodi, Sebastien and MaKayla are all in Kimberley wfor the Hunt Traditions) then on to my aunt's for brunch (the Brassington Tradition). Then over to Rich's Aunt's Mother's house (sheesh) for Christmas a la Webster family. We will miss the Buker portion this year though. :(

Well, Rich and I would like to take this moment on Christmas Eve Night to wish you all (family and friends) a safe and blessed Christmas with your loved ones.

Packers the Cat says "What about me? It's always about me. Right?" Well, yes Packers, normally I'd agree with you but this time, it's about a baby in a manager so long ago.

I wish you all a "Silent Night, Holy Night".

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