Mar 30, 2010

The Comedy Cave AKA Casa del Webster

New Nursery Rhyme Lyrics by lil'A Webster.

Right from the Angel's mouth:

Tinkle, tinkle, little staw
Ow why wander wha you ahwhuh
Up above the word so dwy (dry)
Like a diaper in the sky...

I'm not kidding around here. I even got her to sing it twice, but she refused to on camera This was her morning song today. It took all my strength to not fall down on the floor and "gut laugh".

Funny thing is, we're not trying to potty train right now. 2 weeks from now actually since this weekend is Easter and next, I'm going on tour with the Chorus. You could call it a semi-Interior tour (Kamloops & Vernon)

Ah, kids. Who needs to go out to see comedy and pay for it. Got no $$, come on over.

Oh yeah, catch phrases:
  • I cwy
  • I cwanky (both this one and the "cwy" one are just threats. They aren't ALWAYS true. But then again)
  • Boowies = blueberries (well, that's an oldy but goody)
  • Crannies = I think you get the idea
  • Songs Song Songs Songs peas (while in the car - wanting me to plug in the iPod)
  • Wahk a wahk. 2 meanings. To rock in a rocking chair AND to go for a walk with Daddy. To me it sounds like an homage to Fozzie Bear (muppet).
  • No duoors (pronounced almost like "do" - can't figure out how to write it), no dwars. (Was trying early on with the new bed to get her to not pull stuff out of the doors (closet) and the drawers. When she says these, they almost sound the same
  • High-cheer. Name for her high chair which she BEGS to be in to watch movies. It's weird right? A kid WANTING to be in their high chair?
  • Peas peas. Takes a couple of rounds of asking before I realize she's actually pleading (politely) for frozen peas.
  • E C E E E = According to lil'A, these are the first 5 letters of the alphabet.
  • Beeb a beeb a beeb peas. She asks for her bib before eating.
Don't get me wrong. Lil'A does speak extremely well; so I'm told. Sometimes she just reverts to the "oldies but goodies" (as many of these are) so I thought it would be funny to document them.

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