Sep 15, 2010

First Full Day of School

Angie has succeeded completed the "Gradual Integration" at school yesterday. So, today it was the first day of my "free time". If you could call it that. Had an all-day appointment that I had to cancel. Got some chores done. Now there is a new clock in the family and you can see the glass on the "kitchen" table.

Last night was a long night. I started with my new choir. It's a 2.5 hour rehearsal. Poor Rich and Angie. Walking for all that time.

It was hard for me to get going this morning. Harder for Angie I assure you.

When I went to get her ready, I walked in and turned on the light (CFL - takes a while to brighten). I said "Morning, let's go to School!!!!!!". She moved in the bed and just said, "No". Turned over and went back to sleep. "Let's GO. School!!!" She just said No.

It took me asking her about what she saw on her walk with Dad. She listed LOTS of things. Unfortunately, there were all the things she sees on her river walks out here in Steveston. The way that I knew is she said over and over that she saw COWS on there walk. OK, what a second, cows in downtown?

Anyway, when I got her to school, she left me right away. That can be taken both ways. I'm so happy she's so excited. (Well she gets over her tangles).

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