Oct 5, 2008

I Think I'm Coming out of My Shell a Little

Would you believe I video recorded myself and put the video on the net?

Yup, after much hemming and hawing I did it yesterday while hubby and Lil'A were visiting at Gran and Grandpa's house.

I'm not really saying what it's about just yet cuz, I don't know if it will actually show up (moderating the vids is part of the deal) but if it does, I'm going to need all of your help and your friends to get me to the next level.

Now if that doesn't keep you guessing, nothing will. AHAHAHAHA :)

Wish me luck with the moderators. So far, no info.


BTW, I will be posting Lil A's baptism at some point. We're still getting pics in. Waiting for the pics from my Aunt and Uncle's camera. Our friend Simon took the camera and just got himself right in there for all the right pics so I hear. And some video too. Don't worry, I haven't forgotten.

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