Aug 19, 2009

Looks like House Staging - At least I think so.

As our Pampered Chef party draws near (tomorrow!!!) we have been what I call "re-invigorating) our home. Focus is on the kitchen of course but the entire main floor is in on the act. Here are some pics from today's finishing touches.

Supervisor lil'A is on the job. Sitting right in the middle of the cleaning job.

The kitchen view of one wall. The main wall.

The breakfast nook. I bought this table and 4 chairs as my first big purchase when I moved out on my own. Notice the symmetry. I'm trying to learn how to "dress" a home.

The entire kitchen from door on right to the fax/printer on the left.

Celebrating now that the big job is done by playing with toys and drinking water. PHEW all that work makes a little girl thirsty.

Let's see how things look after tonight and tomorrow. A lot of time between now and the party to mess things up. I promise to TRY to keep the granite in sight. hehehehe.

See many of you tomorrow.

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