Dec 11, 2007

Will This Week Ever End???

Things have been a roller-coaster ride since our return from our cruise. I've been sick with the flu or cold and the nagging cough is still with me. Seems worse when Rich is around - poor guy.

Also, my medical situation is taking a turn. I'm back on medication (that I was off for the first 5 months) but it seems "the cure is worse than the disease" these days. 3 specialists and 1 GP. All are concerned for my health so that when the baby is born, the situation doesn't affect the baby. (Healthy Mom = Healthy Baby).

I'm pretty shaken up by all the doctors appointments these past 14 days but I'm in very capable hands. Blood tests, diabetes test (no news yet) and just about everything else it seems like. PHEW!

The specialists are all in agreement that they want me to be in "remission" from symptoms not reduced symptoms before the baby comes. That means they are willing to go to whatever lengths necessary to get me there. We are in the midst of the first big step right now. Can't really go into it just yet but know that my family and doctors are behind me 100%. Thank you all!

As I've said since Rich and I started out, he's been the best thing that has ever happened to me. I mean it even more today and more and more every day. His strength is the one thing that is keeping me from losing my cool altogether. And Packers keeps me company no matter how I'm feeling. She's magnetically connected to my tummy these days.

For the next week or so, I'm going to be laying really low. I need to get my stress level down a LOT. Keep us in your thoughts. We'll chat when I'm back on higher ground.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are almost there :). Believe me, I feel the same way and I don't have the half the issues you do!