Feb 9, 2009

Cradle Cap - The Suggested Home Remedy (sort of)

I think we figured out Gordon Ramsay's secret to his funky hair. (He's the loud and obnoxious chef on Hell's Kitchen and Kitchen Nightmares)

Eat your heart out Gordy! Angela is out there looking for you!
So, I went up to the BC Health Guide site to see what I could do about Angela's Cradle Cap. The suggestion mentioned seemed easy enough.

Put baby oil on the baby's head half an hour or so before bath time. So I went and got one of the two baby oils we had in the house. Upstairs, we have the baby oil gel. So I put it on.

Now just imagine baby oil as a gel for a moment... if you don't already have some. It's thick, viscous and sticky. Anyway, it's on Angela's head. Not much but enough to mat her hair. Very glad she was having a bath...

When it came time to wash her hair, the baby shampoo seemed to be lathering up as usual. Now time to rinse. The water just ran off her head. Still full of baby oil. So what would a good gal do in the situation of too much product in the hair (yes, me and "product" are very familiar) I washed her hair again, and again. No change. By this point she had had enough of bath time.

While drying her off, I tried drying her had as she normally likes it, but she would have none of it. I brushed it out. I swear she looked like she came right out of the movie "Grease".

I put her to bed as usual. In the morning we woke up and the hair was still Greased Lightning. So I put out a brush and comb to start the process of seeing what her scalp was looking like.

Well, the gel did work. I got a whole bunch of her cradle cap off but her hair is still oily.
Bath time again today.... and tomorrow..... and tomorrow... and.....

Note to all out there... Use "oily" baby oil. Not the gel. And remember, "a little dab'll do ya".

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